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[blockMesh] Mapping - clear assignment of meshtools and BC's

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Old   May 2, 2017, 13:04
Default Mapping - clear assignment of meshtools and BC's
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Join Date: Jan 2015
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desip is on a distinguished road
Hey everyone,

I have a understanding problem with the mapping in OpenFOAM. It's a little complicated to describe, but I try as good as I can, even if it resulted in some more words than planned Alright, let's go: if I want to map a patch, I need to define the patch which should be mapped in my blockMeshDict.

e.g. like this:
type mappedPatch;
//sampleRegion region0; //default
sampleMode nearestPatchFace;
samplePatch outlet; //none;
offsetMode uniform;
offset (0.4 0 0);
(0 4 7 3)

Than I use one of the numerous mapping BC's in the 0 dir for the parameters which should be mapped between the patches. So far so good...

BUT than I found severall posts here, where different kind of types were used in the blockMeshDict: For instance mapped or mappedField. These types are defined as BC in src/finiteVolume/fields. So I questioned if there is a clear seperation between the type definition for your mesh and the BC type for the parameters.

I searched in the source files and found some files under meshTools which gives the type mappedPatch, mappedWall and some wonderful definitions in matchedPatchBase. So that was where my mappedPatch type is defined but no sight of mapped or mappedField...
So I tried to use mappedPatch as the blockMeshDict type and mappedField for my fields - and it is working..... I'm kind of confused

So my questions:
Which effect has the selected mapping type in my blockMeshDict? It doesn't seem like there is an effect for the sampleModes or something...

Kind regards
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mapped boundary condition, mapped mesh

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