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[snappyHexMesh] create two faceZones with single STL file - is it possible?

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Old   September 19, 2016, 17:30
Default create two faceZones with single STL file - is it possible?
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 90
Rep Power: 17
aerogt3 is on a distinguished road
Hello all,

I am meshing an automotive radiator duct. Currently, I create a porous media cellZone with a single faceZone in snappyHexMesh, and then I use topoSet to split that faceZone into two faceZones: an inlet and outlet.

The geometry for the faceZones must be in one STL file, so that the volume for the cellZone is properly closed.

However, I would like to generate the inlet/outlet faceZones directly from the beginning, instead of running topoSet as an additional step. Does anyone know if this is possible? So far, all I can do is generate patches, which while convertible to a faceZone, do not allow the prism layers to travel through (something we need.)

My attempt:

        type distributedTriSurfaceMesh;
        distributionType independent;
        name A_testcar_5050;
            WALL_L_POROUS_Radiator_8_8 { name wall_l_porous_radiator; }
            WALL_L_body_8_8 { name wall_l_body; }
            WALL_L_body_small_2_2 { name wall_l_body_small; }
        type triSurfaceMesh;
        name internal_fluid_l_porous_radiator;
            INTERFACE_L_POROUS_radiator_inlet { name internal_l_porous_radiator_inlet; }
            INTERFACE_L_POROUS_radiator_outlet { name internal_l_porous_radiator_outlet; }

// Castellated Mesh settings

            level (8 8);
                WALL_L_POROUS_Radiator_8_8 { level (7 7); }
                WALL_L_body_8_8 { level (7 7); }
                WALL_L_body_small_2_2 { level (9 9); }
            level (8 8);
            cellZone fluid_l_porous_radiator;
            cellZoneInside inside;
                type faceZone;
                faceZone internal_l_porous_radiator_inlet;
                faceType internal;
                level (8 8);
                type faceZone;
                faceZone internal_l_porous_radiator_outlet;
                faceType internal;
                level (8 8);
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