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[mesh manipulation] Multiple overlapping meshes

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Old   June 30, 2016, 12:25
Default Multiple overlapping meshes
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Join Date: Oct 2014
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koala is on a distinguished road

I'm trying to create a mesh which consists of a global mesh and some smaller meshes. So lets say I have the global mesh (via blockMesh created) M and this mesh is divided into smaller meshes A,B,C,D via splitMeshRegions after creating cellSets and cellZones with setsToZones.

Now I have the global mesh M and the smaller meshes A,B,C,D where different equations are solved and mapped between those meshes. Now I want to create another small mesh E which contains the regions of mesh B and C to solve an other type of equation there.

If I want to create such a mesh using cellSets/cellZones and splitMeshRegions (containing the regions of B and C) I get the error:

Cell 460000 with cell centre (0.0005 0.00025 0.005289) is multiple zones. This is not allowed.
Is there a possibility to create such a mesh setup? I don't really understand the error message because the cells which are present in the global mesh M are also present in the smaller meshes A,B,C,D.

Thanks in advance for your help!
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Old   February 1, 2017, 06:53
Default have u soleved your problem?
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Join Date: Jan 2014
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jiatangwang is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by koala View Post

I'm trying to create a mesh which consists of a global mesh and some smaller meshes. So lets say I have the global mesh (via blockMesh created) M and this mesh is divided into smaller meshes A,B,C,D via splitMeshRegions after creating cellSets and cellZones with setsToZones.

Now I have the global mesh M and the smaller meshes A,B,C,D where different equations are solved and mapped between those meshes. Now I want to create another small mesh E which contains the regions of mesh B and C to solve an other type of equation there.

If I want to create such a mesh using cellSets/cellZones and splitMeshRegions (containing the regions of B and C) I get the error:

Cell 460000 with cell centre (0.0005 0.00025 0.005289) is multiple zones. This is not allowed.
Is there a possibility to create such a mesh setup? I don't really understand the error message because the cells which are present in the global mesh M are also present in the smaller meshes A,B,C,D.

Thanks in advance for your help!
hello koala,

Have you found the solutions for " want to create another small mesh E which contains the regions of mesh B and C to solve an other type of equation there.
I am facing a same problem. Hope get suggestion from you.

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