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[snappyHexMesh] Is it possible to set flow to laminar with porousSimpleFoam solver?

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Old   May 11, 2016, 19:29
Thumbs up Is it possible to set flow to laminar with porousSimpleFoam solver?
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Caio Martins Ramos de Oliveira
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Hello, everyone, I am new to this forum and I want to know, as the title of the thread suggests, if it is possible to set the flow to laminar while using the porousSimpleFoam solver. It seems it's possible to do so with the simpleFoam solver ( so I thought it could be possible to use the porousSimpleFoam solver to solve my problem.

I am asking because I've been working on a low Reynolds number case which involves a porous region. The thing is that there are 3 regions in total: two of them involve a laminar flows and the third one involves a region which follows Darcy-Brinkmann's law. I followed a tutorial which creates a solver for the Darcy-Brinkmann equation (, however it is based on porousSimpleFoam and I am afraid it could not work for my low Reynolds number case.

I created the geometry on a CAD program, exported the .STL files (one for each region) so I could use snappyHexMesh to generate the mesh, and the splitMeshRegions utility to create the patches between the surfaces of each region. Aside from the fact that the region between my geometry and the box I defined in blockMeshDict was also meshed and given the name domain0, everything seems to have worked fine. I am guessing the domain0 region thing is unavoidable and I could ignore it by specifying appropriate boundary conditions on the patches between my geometry and the domain0 region. Is that a reasonable assumption?

Thanks in advance. I am really confused since this is my first time working with CFD and OpenFoam and I appreciate any help. Really.

PS: If necessary I could provide the whole case I am working on since I am just testing this setup to make sure I can tackle my real problem in the future.
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Old   May 11, 2016, 19:42
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Caio Martins Ramos de Oliveira
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Sorry, this thread shouldn't exactly be on this forum. I made a mistake since originally I was going to ask about the meshing 'problem' only.
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Old   May 17, 2016, 11:02
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ancolli is on a distinguished road
Could u solve ur problem? is ti possible to use porousSimpleFoam with laminar flow?
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Old   May 17, 2016, 15:12
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Caio Martins Ramos de Oliveira
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I am still not sure. Sorry. What I was able to do was to solve the meshing problem and to add a porous region using the porosityProperties dict in the constant folder. Then I've used icoFoam which is a transient solver for laminar incompressible flows to tackle the problem. The thing is I want to observe how the transport of a species being injected into the mesh through an inlet evolves. That's why I am using a transient solver (not sure if what I am doing is right though... I'll have to discuss this with my advisor).

Anyway, I'll probably still look into this question. As soon as I find a solution I'll make sure I post it here.
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darcy-brinkmann, laminar, poroussimplefoam, regions, snappyhexmesh

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