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[blockMesh] Understanding codestream and duplicating points

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Old   October 1, 2015, 07:45
Default Understanding codestream and duplicating points
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Join Date: Aug 2015
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arieljeds is on a distinguished road
Hi everyone,

I couldn't find an appropriate thread so I apologise if there is one already and I didn't find it.

I am trying to use the example from the cylinder tutorial to create my own mesh for the flow past a cylinder. I just want to understand something for codestream... I understand how to duplicate the points but can someone explain the following bits of code?

os << points;
Does this allow me a way to output what all of the vertices? Also, is there a way to simply view the vertices and locations? I'm asking because I don't understand how you know which points to include in blocks without either writing it out meticulously (time consuming) or viewing the entire point field somehow in paraview.

Thanks in advance for any advice on this!
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blocks, codestream, point determination, point duplication

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