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[blockMesh] Inconsistent number of faces - error

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Old   September 18, 2015, 17:10
Unhappy Inconsistent number of faces - error
New Member
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 9
Rep Power: 11
jessicabp is on a distinguished road
Hi guys. I have been trying to simulate four squared pillars on OpenFOAM, which means a total of 20 blocks and 71 points. Apparently everything is okay with my blockMeshDict as I already checked it and it runs fine. The problem is that I was getting the error "Inconsistent number of faces between block pair 0 and 5". When I changed the mesh size and set (32 32 32) for all blocks the error stopped, but I cannot keep the simulation this way. Not all the blocks have the same x and y values and I do not understand why the program does not let me have different mesh. I already checked, the mesh seems completely fine to me. Can anyone see the error? I have been on this for days and I still did not find a way of correcting it besides of making equal mesh for all, which is not what I want. Here is my blockMeshDict file:

/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
| ========= | |
| \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox |
| \\ / O peration | Version: 1.7.1 |
| \\ / A nd | Web: |
| \\/ M anipulation | |
version 2.0;
format ascii;
class dictionary;
object blockMeshDict;

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

convertToMeters 1;

(0 0 0) //0
(48 0 0) //1
(72 0 0) //2
(120 0 0) //3
(144 0 0) //4
(192 0 0) //5
(0 0 48) //6
(48 0 48) //7
(72 0 48) //8
(120 0 48) //9
(144 0 48) //10
(192 0 48) //11
(0 0 72) //12
(48 0 72) //13
(72 0 72) //14
(120 0 72) //15
(144 0 72) //16
(192 0 72) //17
(0 0 120) //18
(48 0 120) //19
(72 0 120) //20
(120 0 120) //21
(144 0 120) //22
(192 0 120) //23
(0 0 144) //24
(48 0 144) //25
(72 0 144) //26
(120 0 144) //27
(144 0 144) //28
(192 0 144) //29
(0 0 192) //30
(48 0 192) //31
(72 0 192) //32
(120 0 192) //33
(144 0 192) //34
(192 0 192) //35
(0 32 0) //36
(48 32 0) //37
(72 32 0) //38
(120 32 0) //39
(144 32 0) //40
(192 32 0) //41
(0 32 48) //42
(48 32 48) //43
(72 32 48) //44
(120 32 48) //45
(144 32 48) //46
(192 32 48) //47
(0 32 72) //48
(48 32 72) //49
(72 32 72) //50
(120 32 72) //51
(144 32 72) //52
(192 32 72) //53
(0 32 120) //54
(48 32 120) //55
(72 32 120) //56
(120 32 120) //57
(144 32 120) //58
(192 32 120) //59
(0 32 144) //60
(48 32 144) //61
(72 32 144) //62
(120 32 144) //63
(144 32 144) //64
(192 32 144) //65
(0 32 192) //66
(48 32 192) //67
(72 32 192) //68
(120 32 192) //69
(144 32 192) //70
(192 32 192) //71


hex (6 7 1 0 42 43 37 36) (48 32 48) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //0
hex (7 8 2 1 43 44 38 37) (24 32 48) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //1
hex (8 9 3 2 44 45 39 38) (48 32 48) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //2
hex (9 10 4 3 45 46 40 39) (24 32 48) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //3
hex (10 11 5 4 46 47 41 40) (48 32 48) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //4
hex (12 13 7 6 48 49 43 42) (48 32 24) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //5

hex (14 15 9 8 50 51 45 44) (48 32 24) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //6

hex (16 17 11 10 52 53 47 46) (48 32 24) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //7
hex (18 19 13 12 54 55 49 48) (48 32 48) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //8
hex (19 20 14 13 55 56 50 49) (24 32 48) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //9
hex (20 21 15 14 56 57 51 50) (48 32 48) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //10
hex (21 22 16 15 57 58 52 51) (24 32 48) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //11
hex (22 23 17 16 58 59 53 52) (48 32 48) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //12
hex (24 25 19 18 60 61 55 54) (48 32 24) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //13

hex (26 27 21 20 62 63 57 56) (48 32 24) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //14

hex (28 29 23 22 64 65 59 58) (48 32 24) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //15
hex (30 31 25 24 66 67 61 60) (48 32 48) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //16
hex (31 32 26 25 67 68 62 61) (24 32 48) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //17
hex (32 33 27 26 68 69 63 62) (48 32 48) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //18
hex (33 34 28 27 69 70 64 63) (24 32 48) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //19
hex (34 35 29 28 70 71 65 64) (48 32 48) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //20



type patch;
(6 0 36 42)
(12 6 42 48)
(18 12 48 54)
(24 18 54 60)
(30 24 60 66)


type patch;
(5 11 47 41)
(11 17 53 47)
(17 23 59 53)
(23 29 65 59)
(29 35 71 65)


type wall;
(6 7 1 0)
(7 8 2 1)
(8 9 3 2)
(9 10 4 3)
(10 11 5 4)
(12 13 7 6)

(14 15 9 8)

(16 17 11 10)
(18 19 13 12)
(19 20 14 13)
(20 21 15 14)
(21 22 16 15)
(22 23 17 16)
(24 25 19 18)

(26 27 21 20)

(28 29 23 22)
(30 31 25 24)
(31 32 26 25)
(32 33 27 26)
(33 34 28 27)
(34 35 29 28)


type patch;
(43 42 36 37)
(44 43 37 38)
(45 44 38 39)
(46 45 39 40)
(47 46 40 41)
(49 48 42 43)

(51 50 44 45)

(53 52 46 47)
(55 54 48 49)
(56 55 49 50)
(57 56 50 51)
(58 57 51 52)
(59 58 52 53)
(61 60 54 55)

(63 62 56 57)

(65 64 58 59)
(67 66 60 61)
(68 67 61 62)
(69 68 62 63)
(70 69 63 64)
(71 70 64 65)


type empty;
(1 0 36 37)
(2 1 37 38)
(3 2 38 39)
(4 3 39 40)
(5 4 40 41)
(31 30 66 67)
(32 31 67 68)
(33 32 68 69)
(34 33 69 70)
(35 34 70 71)



Thank you.
jessicabp is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   September 18, 2015, 19:01
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: The Hague, The Netherlands
Posts: 243
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Flowkersma is on a distinguished road
Hi Jess,

Blocks 0 and 5 share the edges (6,42) and (7,43) in k-direction. Now you have defined for one block 48 cells and for other 24 cells in k-direction and therefore you are getting the error message.

Flowkersma is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   October 8, 2015, 05:35
Default face 1 in patch 3 does not have a neighbour cell face: 4(2 3 22 21)
New Member
kush verma
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 4
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kush verma is on a distinguished road
Dear friends I am doing my thermal engineering masters F.Y project work in open foam in which i want to create vortex tube domains(2D and 3D) for which I am trying to prepare the mesh both with Salome and blockMeshDict but in-vain from few days. Please help me get done the project. I am getting error face 1 in patch 3 does not have a neighbour cell face: 4(2 3 22 21) if I keep patch definitions and no error if I un-mark wall and empty patches. Also checkMesh gives ***Total number of empty patches is not divisible by number of cells in mesh. Hence this mesh is not 1D or 2D.Please suggest remedy.

blockMeshDict file:

/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
| ========= | |
| \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox |
| \\ / O peration | Version: 2.1.1 |
| \\ / A nd | Web: |
| \\/ M anipulation | |
version 2.0;
format ascii;
class dictionary;
object blockMeshDict;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

convertToMeters 0.001;

(12 -240 -.5)//0
(0 -240 -.5)
(12 -6 -.5)//2
(6 -6 -.5)//3
(0 -6 -.5)
(12 -5 -.5)
(6 -5 -.5)
(0 -5 -.5)
(16 -2 -.5)
(12 -2 -.5)
(0 -2 -.5)//10
(16 2 -.5)
(12 2 -.5)
(0 2 -.5)
(12 1050 -.5)
(9 1050 -.5)
(0 1050 -.5)
(12 1080 -.5)
(9 1080 -.5)
(12 -240 .5)
(0 -240 .5)
(12 -6 .5)//21
(6 -6 .5)//22
(0 -6 .5)
(12 -5 .5)
(6 -5 .5)
(0 -5 .5)
(16 -2 .5)
(12 -2 .5)
(0 -2 .5)
(16 2 .5)//30
(12 2 .5)
(0 2 .5)
(12 1050 .5)
(9 1050 .5)
(0 1050 .5)
(12 1080 .5)
(9 1080 .5)//37


hex (1 0 2 4 20 19 21 23) (12 232 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (4 3 6 7 23 22 25 26) (6 1 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (7 5 9 10 26 24 28 29) (12 3 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (10 8 11 13 29 27 30 32) (16 4 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (13 12 14 16 32 31 33 35) (12 1048 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (15 14 17 18 34 33 36 37) (3 30 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)




type patch;
(8 11 30 27)

type patch;
(0 19 20 1)

type patch;
(17 18 37 36)

type wall;
(0 2 21 19)
(2 3 22 21)
(3 6 25 22)
(5 24 25 6)
(5 9 28 24)
(8 27 28 9)
type wall;
(11 12 31 30)
(12 14 33 31)
(14 17 36 33)
type wall;
(15 34 37 18)
(15 16 35 34)
(13 32 35 16)
(10 29 32 13)
(7 26 29 10)
(4 23 26 7)
(1 20 23 4)

type empty;

(0 1 4 2)
(3 4 7 6)
(5 7 10 9)
(8 10 13 11)
(12 13 16 14)
(14 15 18 17)
(19 21 23 20)
(22 25 26 23)
(24 28 29 26)
(27 30 32 29)
(31 33 35 32)
(33 36 37 34)
type empty;
(14 15 34 33)
(3 4 23 22)
(6 7 26 25)
(9 10 29 28)
(12 13 32 31)
(14 33 34 15)
(3 22 23 4)
(6 25 26 7)
(9 28 29 10)
(12 31 32 13)
(14 15 34 33)



// ************************************************** *********************** //
kush verma is offline   Reply With Quote


block mesh, mesh error, mesh size, openfoam

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