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[blockMesh] blockMesh and checkMesh with Wedges Issue

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Old   August 27, 2015, 23:49
Default blockMesh and checkMesh with Wedges Issue
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: PA, USA
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michu is on a distinguished road

I am working on a project with a few wedges. I am making a simple 2D model. Attached is a picture of what I am creating. I create the blockMesh and it works, but with an interesting line:
patch 5 (start: 2080 size: 1) name: frontAndBack
which I think is bad because you cant divide 1 by another integer. I think this is the reason why when I use checkMesh I get:
***Zero or negative face area detected. Minimum area: 0
*** Max skewness = 2.33928e+148, 1 highly skew faces detected which may impair the quality of the results
When I check in paraFoam (using the glyph method to show where the zero or negative face area is located) I realize it is at position 15 and 69, which is part of wedge number 4.

I tried changing the wedge from hex (15 15 21 20 69 69 21 20) to hex (20 15 21 20 47 69 75 74) and also changing the empty from (15 69 69 15) to (20 74 74 20) but that didn't work either and it still gave the same error in the checkMesh.

Any help or suggestions on what to do would be greatly appreciated!!!

Thank you,
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Old   August 30, 2015, 03:14
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michu is on a distinguished road
Can anyone help? I would greatly appreciate it!

Thank you,
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Old   September 6, 2015, 06:03
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michu is on a distinguished road
I now know it is the 15 69 69 15 face causing the problem. As seen in the first picture this face is in the frontAndBack category, which is an Empty type. If I remove it from this category it goes into defaultFaces category, which is also an Empty type as can be seen in the second picture. This has a minimum area of 0, which makes sense because it's the edge of the wedge that you have to identify as empty when creating wedges.

I am not sure why this is causing a problem since all the other wedges have the same thing with their faces under the frontAndBack category and those do not cause a problem. Can anyone help?
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Old   September 6, 2015, 14:05
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Bruno Santos
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wyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to all
Quick answer: Don't expect people to be able to do magic and be clairvoyant
  1. Provide a small example case that demonstrates the location that has this problem, so that anyone can try to help you by looking and testing the same problem.
  2. Indicate which OpenFOAM version you're using.
This is pretty much explained here:
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blockmesh, mesh, wedge, wedges, zero face area

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