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[mesh manipulation] Is there a built in way to fix concave cells?

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Old   August 18, 2015, 15:12
Default Is there a built in way to fix concave cells?
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Richard Vega
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Texas
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I have been generating polyhedral meshes by using Salome/netgen to generate a tetrahedral mesh and then using polyDualMesh to convert to a polyhedral mesh. For the sake of this post, I will describe the simplest case of meshing a box this way. My problem is that the resulting polyhedral meshes seem to have quite a few concave cells. They are actually concave and appear on the corners of the cube (it is not simply complaining because there is a point on a flat surface and due to round off errors, it thinks it is concave. I have seen many posts saying this is common when using snappyhexmesh). Anyways, I am developing a method that will fail if there are any concave cells, so before I go writing my own code to fix concave cells, I wanted to check if anyone out there has any experience with fixing the concave cell problem, and if so, how they did it? Please assume I am complete beginner when it comes to OpenFOAM: i.e. never compiled a solver and am likely unaware of many utilities in existence. My experience is mainly in using the standard solvers and utilities.
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