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[blockMesh] how to create a dense mesh in blockMeshdict?

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Old   August 3, 2015, 15:11
Smile how to create a dense mesh in blockMeshdict?
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Shanmukhi is on a distinguished road
hello Every1,
I am A.Shanmukhi Krishna ,
I am very new to OpenFoam ., I am practicing the tutorials to get a basic knowledge of coding and to create a blockMeshdict.

So my problem is that I had made an mixing elbow and its meshing by coding in the bolckMeshdict , then I want to make the mesh dense near the both the edges of the walls by 'simpleGrading' option.

I am able to make the mesh dense only on one side by changing (i.e increasing or decreasing the values of 'x' 'y' & 'z' ) but

My problem is how to make mesh dense on both the sides of the walls.

Here I am giving my 'block '
hex (13 12 1 0 27 26 15 14) (30 20 1) simpleGrading (1 2.5 1) //_0
hex (12 11 2 1 26 25 16 15) (20 20 1) simpleGrading (1 2.5 1) //_1
hex (11 8 3 2 25 22 17 16) (8 20 1) simpleGrading (1 2.5 1) //_2
hex (8 7 4 3 22 21 18 17) (20 20 1) simpleGrading (1 2.5 1) //_3
hex (7 6 5 4 21 20 19 18) (30 20 1) simpleGrading (1 2.5 1) //_4
hex (10 9 8 11 24 23 22 25) (8 20 1) simpleGrading (1 2.5 1) //_5

So here in the top . I had changed the simple grading 'Y' direction value to make mesh denser at one side of the wall , but I want on both the sides,

Can anyone help me for this ..

Thankyou .,

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Old   August 3, 2015, 15:23
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Troy Snyder
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Originally Posted by Shanmukhi View Post
hello Every1,
I am A.Shanmukhi Krishna ,
I am very new to OpenFoam ., I am practicing the tutorials to get a basic knowledge of coding and to create a blockMeshdict.

So my problem is that I had made an mixing elbow and its meshing by coding in the bolckMeshdict , then I want to make the mesh dense near the both the edges of the walls by 'simpleGrading' option.

I am able to make the mesh dense only on one side by changing (i.e increasing or decreasing the values of 'x' 'y' & 'z' ) but

My problem is how to make mesh dense on both the sides of the walls.

Here I am giving my 'block '
hex (13 12 1 0 27 26 15 14) (30 20 1) simpleGrading (1 2.5 1) //_0
hex (12 11 2 1 26 25 16 15) (20 20 1) simpleGrading (1 2.5 1) //_1
hex (11 8 3 2 25 22 17 16) (8 20 1) simpleGrading (1 2.5 1) //_2
hex (8 7 4 3 22 21 18 17) (20 20 1) simpleGrading (1 2.5 1) //_3
hex (7 6 5 4 21 20 19 18) (30 20 1) simpleGrading (1 2.5 1) //_4
hex (10 9 8 11 24 23 22 25) (8 20 1) simpleGrading (1 2.5 1) //_5

So here in the top . I had changed the simple grading 'Y' direction value to make mesh denser at one side of the wall , but I want on both the sides,

Can anyone help me for this ..

Thankyou .,

"Two-way" grading of an edge was implemented in OF version 2.4+. So if you are using and older version, you can only perform simple edge mesh grading (1-direction).

See section of the linked page for details:
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