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[Gmsh] No cells read from file ".msh"

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Old   November 13, 2014, 20:37
Default No cells read from file ".msh"
Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 88
Rep Power: 12
hwsv07 is on a distinguished road
Hi everyone,

I have this error when I used gmshToFoam which I can't understand what I have not done correctly.

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
Create time

Starting to read mesh format at line 2
Read format version 2.2  ascii 0

Starting to read physical names at line 5
Physical names:7
    Surface 1	WTInlet
    Surface 2	WTOutlet
    Surface 3	Walls
    Surface 4	ADInet
    Surface 5	ADOutlet
    Volume 6	WT
    Volume 7	AD

Starting to read points at line 15
Vertices to be read:89657
Vertices read:89657

Starting to read cells at line 89675
Cells to be read:178816

Mapping region 4 to Foam patch 0
Mapping region 5 to Foam patch 1
Mapping region 1 to Foam patch 2
Mapping region 3 to Foam patch 3
    hex  :0
    pyr  :0
    tet  :0

No cells read from file "adexpt.msh"
Does your file specify any 3D elements (hex=5, prism=6, pyramid=7, tet=4)?
Perhaps you have not exported the 3D elements?

file: adexpt.msh at line 268493.

    From function readCells(..)
    in file gmshToFoam.C at line 726.

FOAM exiting
from error msg, it seems that there are no cells created. which I dun get it, because I can see them in gmsh. I got the problem yesterday, but Im not sure what I have done and it went away for awhile now it is back.

Appreciate any help please.
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Old   November 13, 2014, 20:53
Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 88
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hwsv07 is on a distinguished road
I found my answer.

OF only deals with 3D mesh. so I had to export the msh in 3D meshes, not 2D.

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Old   February 2, 2015, 11:06
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2013
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Maimouna is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by hwsv07 View Post
Hi everyone,

I have this error when I used gmshToFoam which I can't understand what I have not done correctly.

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
Create time

Starting to read mesh format at line 2
Read format version 2.2  ascii 0

Starting to read physical names at line 5
Physical names:7
    Surface 1    WTInlet
    Surface 2    WTOutlet
    Surface 3    Walls
    Surface 4    ADInet
    Surface 5    ADOutlet
    Volume 6    WT
    Volume 7    AD

Starting to read points at line 15
Vertices to be read:89657
Vertices read:89657

Starting to read cells at line 89675
Cells to be read:178816

Mapping region 4 to Foam patch 0
Mapping region 5 to Foam patch 1
Mapping region 1 to Foam patch 2
Mapping region 3 to Foam patch 3
    hex  :0
    pyr  :0
    tet  :0

No cells read from file "adexpt.msh"
Does your file specify any 3D elements (hex=5, prism=6, pyramid=7, tet=4)?
Perhaps you have not exported the 3D elements?

file: adexpt.msh at line 268493.

    From function readCells(..)
    in file gmshToFoam.C at line 726.

FOAM exiting
from error msg, it seems that there are no cells created. which I dun get it, because I can see them in gmsh. I got the problem yesterday, but Im not sure what I have done and it went away for awhile now it is back.

Appreciate any help please.

actually, I got the same problem that you posted. How could changed the file below from 2D to 3D mesh? Could you help please. Here is my gmsh file
D = 1;
R = 0.5*D;

CX = 4*D;
CY = 0.0;

S = 1.0/Sqrt(2);

DR1 = R*S;
DR2 = (R + 2.0*D)*S;

Point(1) = {0, -4*D, 0};
Point(2) = {0, CY - DR2, 0};
Point(3) = (0, CY + DR2, 0);
Point(4) = {0, 4*D, 0};
Point(5) = {CX - DR2, -4*D, 0};
Point(6) = {CX - DR2, CY - DR2, 0};
Point(7) = {CX - DR2, CY + DR2, 0};
Point(8) = {CX - DR2, 4*D, 0};
Point(9) = {CX - DR1, CY - DR1, 0};
Point(10) = {CX - DR1, CY + DR1, 0};
Point(11) = {CX, CY, 0};
Point(12) = {CX + DR1, CY - DR1, 0};
Point(13) = {CX + DR1, CY + DR1, 0};
Point(14) = {CX + DR2, -4*D, 0};
Point(15) = {CX + DR2, CY - DR2, 0};
Point(16) = {CX + DR2, CY + DR2, 0};
Point(17) = {CX + DR2, 4*D, 0};
Point(18) = {16*D, -4*D, 0};
Point(19) = {16*D, CY - DR2, 0};
Point(20) = {16*D, CY + DR2, 0};
Point(21) = {16*D, 4*D, 0};
Point(22) = {0, CY, 0};
Point(23) = {CX - 2*D, CY, 0};
Point(24) = {CX + 2*D, CY, 0};
Point(25) = {16*D, CY, 0};
Point(26) = {CX, -4*D, 0};
Point(27) = {CX, CY - 2*D, 0};
Point(28) = {CX, CY + 2*D, 0};
Point(29) = {CX, 4*D, 0};
Point(30) = {CX, CY - R, 0};
Point(31) = {CX - R, CY, 0};
Point(32) = {CX, CY + R, 0};
Point(33) = {CX + R, CY, 0};
Line(1) = {4, 8};
Line(2) = {8, 29};
Line(3) = {29, 17};
Line(4) = {17, 21};
Line(5) = {21, 20};
Line(6) = {20, 25};
Line(7) = {25, 19};
Line(8) = {19, 18};
Line(9) = {18, 14};
Line(10) = {14, 26};
Line(11) = {26, 5};
Line(12) = {5, 1};
Line(13) = {1, 2};
Line(14) = {2, 22};
Line(15) = {22, 3};
Line(16) = {3, 4};
Line(17) = {3, 7};
Line(18) = {7, 8};
Line(19) = {2, 6};
Line(20) = {6, 5};
Line(21) = {15, 14};
Line(22) = {15, 19};
Line(23) = {16, 17};
Line(24) = {16, 20};
Line(25) = {25, 24};
Line(26) = {23, 22};
Line(27) = {28, 29};
Line(28) = {27, 26};
Line(29) = {27, 15};
Line(30) = {15, 24};
Line(31) = {24, 16};
Line(32) = {16, 28};
Line(33) = {28, 7};
Line(34) = {7, 23};
Line(35) = {23, 6};
Line(36) = {6, 27};
Line(37) = {30, 27};
Line(38) = {31, 23};
Line(39) = {33, 24};
Line(40) = {32, 28};
Line(41) = {10, 7};
Line(42) = {9, 6};
Line(43) = {13, 16};
Line(44) = {12, 15};
Circle(45) = {31, 11, 10};
Circle(46) = {10, 11, 32};
Circle(47) = {32, 11, 13};
Circle(48) = {13, 11, 33};
Circle(49) = {33, 11, 12};
Circle(50) = {12, 11, 30};
Circle(51) = {30, 11, 9};
Circle(52) = {9, 11, 31};
Line Loop(53) = {17, 18, -1, -16};
Ruled Surface(54) = {53};
Line Loop(55) = {33, 18, 2, -27};
Ruled Surface(56) = {55};
Line Loop(57) = {32, 27, 3, -23};
Ruled Surface(58) = {57};
Line Loop(59) = {24, -5, -4, -23};
Ruled Surface(60) = {59};
Line Loop(61) = {25, 31, 24, 6};
Ruled Surface(62) = {61};
Line Loop(63) = {30, -25, 7, -22};
Ruled Surface(64) = {63};
Line Loop(65) = {8, 9, -21, 22};
Ruled Surface(66) = {65};
Line Loop(67) = {21, 10, -28, 29};
Ruled Surface(68) = {67};
Line Loop(69) = {11, -20, 36, 28};
Ruled Surface(70) = {69};
Line Loop(71) = {12, 13, 19, 20};
Ruled Surface(72) = {71};
Line Loop(73) = {19, -35, 26, -14};
Ruled Surface(74) = {73};
Line Loop(75) = {34, 26, 15, 17};
Ruled Surface(76) = {75};
Line Loop(77) = {42, -35, -38, -52};
Ruled Surface(78) = {77};
Line Loop(79) = {36, -37, 51, 42};
Ruled Surface(80) = {79};
Line Loop(81) = {29, -44, 50, 37};
Ruled Surface(82) = {81};
Line Loop(83) = {44, 30, -39, 49};
Ruled Surface(84) = {83};
Line Loop(85) = {39, 31, -43, 48};
Ruled Surface(86) = {85};
Line Loop(87) = {43, 32, -40, 47};
Ruled Surface(88) = {87};
Line Loop(89) = {46, 40, 33, -41};
Ruled Surface(90) = {89};
Line Loop(91) = {38, -34, -41, -45};
Ruled Surface(92) = {91};

RHO1 = 20; // Vertical near-wall parts
RHO2 = 15;
RHO3 = 15;
RHO4 = 100; // Outlet channel
RHO5 = 20;
RHO6 = 20; // Inlet channel
RHO7 = 30;

Transfinite Line {13, 20, 28, 21, 8} = RHO1;
Transfinite Line {16, 18, 27, 23, 5} = RHO1;
Transfinite Line {15, 34, 45} = RHO2;

// Dense mesh in the middle
Transfinite Line {48, 6} = RHO7 Using Progression 0.97;
Transfinite Line {31} = RHO7 Using Progression 1.03;

Transfinite Line {14, 35, 52} = RHO2;

// Dense mesh in the middle
Transfinite Line {49, 7} = RHO7 Using Progression 1.03;
Transfinite Line {30} = RHO7 Using Progression 0.97;

Transfinite Line {11, 36, 51, 46, 33, 2} = RHO3;
Transfinite Line {10, 29, 50, 47, 32, 3} = RHO3;
Transfinite Line {9, 22, 25, 24, 4} = RHO4;
Transfinite Line {42, 37, 44, 39, 43, 40, 41, 38} = RHO5 Using Progression 1.02;
Transfinite Line {1, 17, 26, 19, 12} = RHO6;

Transfinite Surface "*";
Recombine Surface "*";

Extrude {0, 0, D} {
  Surface{54, 76, 74, 72, 70, 80, 78, 92, 90, 56, 58, 88, 86, 84, 82, 68, 66, 64, 62, 60};

Line Loop(533) = {52, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51};
Plane Surface(534) = {533};
cylindervolume[]={Extrude {0, 0, D} {
//cylindervolume[] is a list
//with this naming policy i do not need to know the volume ID to set a group on it

Physical Surface("inlet") = {113, 131, 157, 171};
Physical Surface("outlet") = {453, 483, 509, 523};
Physical Surface("walls") = {167, 189, 435, 457, 527, 329, 307, 109};
Physical Surface("cylinder") = {417, 399, 377, 219, 245, 267, 277, 355};
Physical Surface("top") = {114, 136, 158, 180, 202, 444, 466, 488, 510, 532, 334, 312, 246, 224, 422, 400, 378, 356, 290, 268};
Physical Surface("bottom") = {54, 76, 74, 72, 70, 68, 66, 64, 62, 60, 58, 56, 92, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90};
Physical Volume("channel") = {5, 4, 3, 7, 6, 15, 16, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 11, 12, 13, 9, 8, 10, 1, 2};
Physical Volume("cylinderv") = cylindervolume[];

//Mesh 3;
Save "elastic_cylinder-2D.msh";
Many thanks in advanced.

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Old   April 23, 2018, 16:12
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Gazi Yavuz
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uckmhnds is on a distinguished road
Can someone please help because i have the same problem and there is no info about that. I can not overcome that error
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Old   May 15, 2018, 07:23
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M Kaushik Reddy
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GoogolX is on a distinguished road
Please help me out on how to export it into a 3D mesh. Someone?
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Old   August 13, 2018, 16:42
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Gazi Yavuz
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uckmhnds is on a distinguished road
I found the solution. You must specify 1 iterated extrusion through the 2D plane in order to define a unit cell for the direction through which flow goes. Even though you solve a 2-Dimensional problem, your domain must have that width for OpenFoam to solve the problem.
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