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[snappyHexMesh] Able to run snappyHexMesh in parallel on local machine but unable to run on linux clu

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Old   July 28, 2014, 10:48
Default Able to run snappyHexMesh in parallel on local machine but unable to run on linux clu
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abhinav2601 is on a distinguished road
Hello everyone,
I am trying to solve a ship resistance calculation problem using interDyMFoam on OpenFoam version 2.3. The OS is Red Hat. The desired mesh size is between 3.5 million to 6 million for half-body( generated using blockMesh followed by snappyHexMesh).
The problem I am encountering is that: The same sequence of commands submitted through command line will generate the mesh( in parallel ) , initialize the fields and submit the solution (in parallel) and reconstruct the time directories. But when the same sequence of commands is submitted with a slight change to the same version of OpenFoam (2.3) installed on a RedHat based cluster I am getting some errors.

The error is the following: There is a
Time = 0
No mesh.
Message in both cases at the end of reconstructParMesh –constant
But in local machine the checkMesh right after this displays increased number of cells and a ‘hull’ patch. In case of the cluster the checkMesh at this stage returns the original number of cells(as after blockMesh) and no ‘hull’ patch.
Thus the solution can proceed correctly on the local machine but not on the cluster.

I am submitting the following sequence of commands through command line:
surfaceFeatureExtract > log.surfaceFeatureExtract
blockMesh > log.blockMesh
checkMesh > log.checkMesh_blockMesh
decomposePar –force –latestTime > log.decomposePar_blockMesh
foamJob –screen –parallel –snappyHexMesh –overwrite
mv log log.snappyHexMesh
reconstructParMesh –constant > log.reconstructParMesh
checkMesh > log.checkMesh_snappyHexMesh
setFields > log.setFields
decomposePar –force –latestTime > log.decomposePar_snappyHexMesh
foamJob –screen –parallel –interDyMFoam
mv log log.interDyMFoam
reconstructPar > log.reconstructPar
The above log files are attached as

I am submitting the following sequence of commands through a queue script
decomposePar –force –latestTime
time mpirun –hostfile \$PBS_NODEFILE –np \$np snappyHexMesh –overwrite
reconstructParMesh –constant
decomposePar –force –latestTime
time mpirun –hostfile \$PBS_NODEFILE –np \$np interDyMFoam –parallel
The foam.log file generated by the above commands is attached as

For better illustration the cluster script is also attached as The job is submitted using
./ -Np 8 -Both
I have also attached my, constant and system directories for a cleaned case as for further clarity.
Any help will be much appreciated.
Attached Files
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Old   January 26, 2015, 06:42
Default solution?
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Rasmus Lundsgaard
Join Date: Aug 2014
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Termo is on a distinguished road
Did you find why you got the "No mesh"? I seem to get the same, and I can not see why reconstructPar doesn't work as it should.
Termo is offline   Reply With Quote


clusters, interdymfoam, openfoam 2.3.0, parallel meshing, snappyhexmesh 3d

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