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[snappyHexMesh] inclined jet modeling

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Old   March 17, 2014, 02:22
Default inclined jet modeling
New Member
Simon Zhang
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 12
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Hi OpenFOAMer,

Here I got a inclined jet to model (see figure: 4 vertical planes are open boundaries, bottom and inclined cylinder are wall, and cylinder top circle is inlet), to which I am going to set a structured mesh. I know that snappyHexMesh can deal with complex stuff (such as vehicle) within a block. So I created the stl file for the inclined jet pipe in autoCAD and then exported it to GUI tool, Helyx-OS, for snappy mesh. However, some questions remains unknown.

1) I set the coordinate in autoCAD already. But there was a coordinate translation after importing stl into GUI which made the jet pipe move to a wrong location. Is there anything wrong with stl file? Or should I try another geometry modeling software?

2) As you can see in figure, the jet pipe created in autoCAD surface consists of two different boundaries: wall and inlet. But I didn't find any functions in GUI or snappyHexMeshDict that could divide and set these two boundaries. So, is snappyHexMesh really able to deal with different boundaries like in this case, or it can only deal with wall boundary? Or is it possible to set the boundary conditions in stl file? If could, which software can make it?

3) If snappyHexMesh cannot make it, I am really willing to hear suggestions from you guys who have experiences on it. Do I have to do mesh using third part software?

I am a new user of snappyHexMesh and this is the first time for me to encounter stl file. Sorry if I asked silly questions.

Thanks & Regards,
Attached Images
File Type: png inclinedJet.png (4.1 KB, 18 views)

Last edited by simonsg; March 17, 2014 at 06:51.
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