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[surface handling] surfaceFeatureExtract strange behavior

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Old   March 11, 2014, 10:22
Default surfaceFeatureExtract strange behavior
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 142
Rep Power: 14
wc34071209 is on a distinguished road
Hello Foamer,

I am using surfaceFeatureExtract but I found very strange behavior.

My geometry is not located in the origin of the coordinates, but it seems surfaceFeatureExtract specifies a point near the origin.

I enclosed the eMesh file to show it.

The first line is very strange.

/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
| =========                 |                                                 |
| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  2.2.2                                 |
|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:                      |
|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
    version     2.0;
    format      ascii;
    class       featureEdgeMesh;
    location    "constant/triSurface";
    object      export_geom_CFD.eMesh;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

// points:

(1.95223612811295e-312 7.11454530011395e-322 1.52567471435777e-320)
(24 1.184 1.832)
(24 3.136 1.832)
(24 4 2.6)
(25.9 0 2)
(24.65 0 2)
(26.5 0 2.6)
(26.5 0 0)
(25.9 0 0.8)
(24.65 0 0.8)
(24 0 2.6)
(24 0 0)
(24.6814 -0.27 1.96858)
(25.8686 -0.27 0.831418)
(25.9 -0.275 2)
(25.275 -0.215 0.831418)
(24.6814 -0.215 0.831418)
(24.65 -0.215 0.8)
(24.6814 -0.215 1.96858)
(24.65 -0.215 2)
(25.9 -0.215 2)
(25.8686 -0.215 0.831418)
(25.9 -0.215 0.8)
(25.8686 -0.215 1.96858)
(24.6814 -0.275 0.831418)
(24.65 -0.275 2)
(24.6814 -0.275 1.96858)
(25.9 -0.275 2)
(25.8686 -0.275 1.96858)
(25.9 -0.275 0.8)
(25.8686 -0.275 0.831418)
(24.65 -0.27 0.8)
(25.9 0 2)
(25.9 -0.27 2)
(24.65 -0.27 2)
(25.9 -0.27 2)
(25.9 -0.27 0.8)
(26.5 4 0)
(26.5 0 2.6)
(26.5 0 0)
(24 4 0)
(24 0 0)
(24 4 0)
(25.8686 -0.215 1.96858)
(24.65 -0.275 0.8)
(24.65 -0.27 2)
(25.9 -0.27 0.8)
(24.65 -0.27 0.8)
(24 1.184 0.568)
(24 3.136 0.568)
(24 1.184 1.832)
(24 3.136 0.568)
(24 0 2.6)
(24.6814 -0.27 0.831418)
(25.275 -0.215 0.8)
(25.275 -0.275 0.8)
(24.65 -0.275 0.8)
(24.65 -0.215 0.8)
(24.65 -0.275 0.8)
(24.65 -0.275 2)
(24.65 -0.215 2)
(24.65 -0.275 2)
(25.9 -0.215 2)
(25.9 -0.275 2)
(25.9 -0.275 0.8)
(25.9 -0.215 0.8)
(25.9 -0.275 0.8)
(25.275 -0.275 0.8)
(25.275 -0.215 0.8)
(25.275 -0.215 0.8)
(25.275 -0.275 0.831418)
(25.275 -0.215 0.831418)
(24.6814 -0.215 0.831418)
(24.6814 -0.275 0.831418)
(24.6814 -0.215 0.831418)
(24.6814 -0.215 1.96858)
(24.6814 -0.275 1.96858)
(24.6814 -0.215 1.96858)
(25.8686 -0.275 1.96858)
(25.8686 -0.215 1.96858)
(25.8686 -0.215 0.831418)
(25.8686 -0.275 0.831418)
(25.8686 -0.215 0.831418)
(25.275 -0.215 0.831418)
(25.275 -0.275 0.8)
(25.275 -0.275 0.831418)
(25.275 -0.275 0.831418)
(24.65 0 2)
(24.65 0 0.8)
(24.65 -0.275 0.8)
(24.65 0 2)
(24.65 -0.275 2)
(25.9 0 0.8)
(25.9 0 2)
(25.9 -0.275 2)
(24.65 0 0.8)
(25.9 0 0.8)
(25.9 -0.275 0.8)
(26.5 4 0)
(26.5 0 0)
(26.5 4 2.6)
(24 4 0)
(24 4 2.6)
(24 0 2.6)
(24 4 2.6)
(24 0 0)
(25.9 -0.215 2)
(25.9 -0.275 2)
(26.5 4 2.6)
(25.8686 -0.27 1.96858)
(25.275 -0.215 0.831418)
(25.8686 -0.275 1.96858)
(26.5 4 2.6)
(26.5 4 0)

// edges:

(14 106)
(27 25)
(29 27)
(33 32)
(107 33)
(38 108)
(6 7)
(9 8)
(12 109)
(109 13)
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(61 14)
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(68 17)
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// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

// ************************************************************************* //
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