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[mesh manipulation] stitchMesh questions

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Old   December 18, 2013, 02:45
Default stitchMesh questions
Jason Eason
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Portage, Michigan
Posts: 45
Rep Power: 16
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I have a very complex mesh I wanted to create using snappyHexMesh, however; the resulting mesh had major problems. My solution was to cut the geometry into 4 parts. All parts now pass the checkMesh utility, I merge and stitch the meshes one part at a time. When I try to stitch the meshes together the stitchMesh utility takes so long it runs for hours but never finishes. StitchMesh uses the default tolerances, I give up and stop the process. The faces that will be stitched have the same edges, but not the same points. My blockMesh background mesh blocks are .192x.192x.192 m, and my refinement is level 0 7. I know this is very small but its the only way to create my mesh. The 4 parts of my mesh average 1.3 million cells. Could some answer a few questions for me please to help me?
1. Does stitch always take so long is this normal? Or might the problem be the number or cells?
2. This there another way to create a single mesh from the parts? While eliminating the neighboring boundary faces?
3. Could someone post a toleranceDict file, mines doesn't seem to work? I have viewed some from here, but I still can't get them to work.
B.t.w. its my first time using the stitchMesh utility.
Debian Squeeze - OpenFOAM-2.1.x, Paraview-3.12.0
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