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[CGNS] TAU2foam ???

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Old   August 26, 2013, 02:44
Default TAU2foam ???
Join Date: Jul 2013
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CFDnewbie147 is on a distinguished road
Hello together,

im working on OpenFOAM-2.2.1 for my closing operations and until now, we use for CFD the TAU- Code from the German Aerospace Centre (DLR). Therefore we have a commercial mesher tool which writes a file in NetCDF format (I think so) and this we convert to a TAU- specific format. Now to my question:

Does anybody know the TAU- Code and how to get the mesh- files in an OpenFOAM- format? This is very special, i know, but perhaps anyone has an idea?

Thank you for your time and your replies,
best regards,
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Old   August 26, 2013, 16:24
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Originally Posted by CFDnewbie147 View Post
Hello together,

im working on OpenFOAM-2.2.1 for my closing operations and until now, we use for CFD the TAU- Code from the German Aerospace Centre (DLR). Therefore we have a commercial mesher tool which writes a file in NetCDF format (I think so) and this we convert to a TAU- specific format. Now to my question:

Does anybody know the TAU- Code and how to get the mesh- files in an OpenFOAM- format? This is very special, i know, but perhaps anyone has an idea?

Thank you for your time and your replies,
best regards,
Maybe the easiest possible way is to convert your TAU format into a more famous mesh format which can be imported into OF.
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Old   August 27, 2013, 04:01
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Dear Mojtaba.a,

thank u for ur reply, but this is not so easy. There's no way to export from TAU to another format and i'm not so familiar to write a converter yet.

I've got a script to convert fluent2tau, but I don't know exactly how to write it to run it vice versa, tau2fluent. Can u help me?
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Old   August 27, 2013, 06:29
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Originally Posted by CFDnewbie147 View Post
Dear Mojtaba.a,

thank u for ur reply, but this is not so easy. There's no way to export from TAU to another format and i'm not so familiar to write a converter yet.

I've got a script to convert fluent2tau, but I don't know exactly how to write it to run it vice versa, tau2fluent. Can u help me?
Sorry, I am not an expert in this area, but maybe putting a simple TAU file will make some other foamers to help you.

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Old   August 27, 2013, 09:42
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CFDnewbie147 is on a distinguished road
Hello again,

I think you're right but a tau.grid- file is to big to upload it here...

Do u have any idea how to solve the problem of converting the tau- mesh to an openfoam-mesh?

I hope u can help me...
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Old   August 28, 2013, 05:45
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I've got news. I get a script fluent2tau, that means, to convert a fluent mesh (.msh) to a cdl mesh and then to a tau mesh (tau.grid). But I need to convert the tau mesh to the fluent mesh. How can I do this????

Please help me!
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Old   September 16, 2013, 06:21
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Hello again,

i loaded a TAU- Grid into TECPLOT360 and wrote it out as an ASCII- file. It looks like:
TITLE     = "Grid: tau.grid"
ZONE T="B_2"
 Nodes=671, Elements=1338, ZONETYPE=FETriangle
 1.474100000E+000 2.399999999E+001 2.100000000E-008
 1.474100000E+000 2.376685222E+001 -3.337169361E+000
 1.474100000E+000 2.305996408E+001 -6.651172039E+000
 1.474100000E+000 2.183606882E+001 -9.959222244E+000
 1.474100000E+000 2.013547855E+001 -1.305995836E+001
 1.474100000E+000 1.812998666E+001 -1.572588964E+001
 1.474100000E+000 1.577400335E+001 -1.808813977E+001
 1.474100000E+000 1.311776451E+001 -2.009786833E+001
 1.474100000E+000 1.002160378E+001 -2.180750955E+001
 1.474100000E+000 6.708637920E+000 -2.304331088E+001
 1.474100000E+000 3.379524189E+000 -2.376086540E+001
 1.474100000E+000 -6.300000000E-009 -2.399999998E+001
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 16 17 34
 17 35 34
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 35 38 40
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 38 39 41
 7 8 42
 8 43 42
 7 42 44
 8 9 43
 42 43 45
 27 28 46
 28 47 46
 27 46 48
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 26 27 48
 29 30 50
 30 51 50
 29 50 47
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 30 31 51
 50 51 53
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 5 6 54
 5 54 55
 6 44 54
 44 56 54
 4 5 55
 54 57 55
 6 7 44
 34 35 58
 46 47 59
 42 60 44
 1 2 33
 50 53 52
 52 53 61
 53 62 61
 52 61 63
 47 52 59
 52 63 59
 49 59 63
 46 59 49
 54 56 57
 56 64 57
 56 65 64
 57 64 66
 44 60 56
 56 60 65
 45 65 60
 42 45 60
 34 58 37
 37 58 67
 37 67 68
 58 69 67
 35 40 58
 40 69 58
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 38 41 40
 22 23 24
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 64 65 70
 61 71 63
 2 3 72
 2 72 33
 3 73 72
 32 33 74
 33 72 74
 72 75 74
 32 74 76
 67 69 77
 21 22 78
 22 24 78
 21 78 79
 13 14 80
 13 80 100
 14 81 80
 65 82 70
 64 70 83
 64 83 66
 70 71 83
 10 11 84
 11 100 84
 80 85 84
 10 84 86
 24 25 87
 25 88 87
 24 87 78
 78 87 89
 61 83 71
 63 71 90
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 70 82 91
 20 79 39
 15 36 81
 71 91 90
 70 91 71
 90 91 92
 77 92 91
 77 91 82
 90 92 93
 49 63 90
 69 92 77
 67 77 82
 57 66 94
 26 48 88
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 67 82 68
 37 68 96
 31 76 51
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 84 85 86
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 80 81 85
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 87 88 89
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 78 89 79
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 74 75 76
 3 4 73
 72 73 75
 55 57 94
 62 94 66
 51 95 53
 62 95 94
 62 66 83
 68 97 96
 36 37 96
 41 93 92
 49 90 93
 43 97 45
 48 49 98
 39 99 41
 49 93 98
 48 98 88
 88 98 89
 39 79 99
 79 89 99
 41 99 93
 51 76 95
 75 95 76
 55 94 73
 73 94 75
 36 96 81
 81 96 85
 45 97 68
 85 96 97
 85 97 86
 43 86 97
 89 98 99
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 93 99 98
 45 68 82
 12 13 100
 80 84 100
 16 122 17
 16 123 122
 17 122 124
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 19 128 20
 126 129 128
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 104 130 131
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 118 135 134
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 134 135 137
 115 116 138
 116 136 138
 136 139 138
 115 138 140
 138 141 140
 114 115 140
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 106 107 142
 106 142 132
 132 142 143
 107 144 142
 107 108 144
 142 144 145
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 122 146 124
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 110 111 191
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 139 147 149
 138 139 141
 139 150 141
 139 149 150
 149 151 150
 141 150 152
 142 145 143
 143 145 153
 145 154 153
 143 153 155
 132 143 148
 143 155 148
 133 148 155
 130 148 133
 122 125 146
 125 156 146
 125 157 156
 146 156 158
 124 146 127
 127 146 158
 127 158 129
 126 127 129
 147 159 149
 134 137 147
 137 159 147
 137 160 159
 22 121 23
 12 192 13
 153 161 155
 156 162 158
 109 110 163
 112 165 191
 109 163 164
 112 113 165
 113 166 165
 163 191 165
 163 165 167
 21 168 22
 22 168 121
 21 169 168
 13 170 14
 101 179 192
 14 170 171
 149 159 172
 159 173 172
 159 160 173
 129 173 160
 162 174 173
 149 172 151
 151 172 174
 151 174 175
 120 121 176
 120 176 177
 121 168 176
 172 173 174
 151 175 178
 153 178 175
 150 151 178
 101 102 179
 170 192 179
 161 175 174
 170 179 180
 102 181 179
 156 182 162
 161 174 182
 153 175 161
 158 162 173
 15 171 123
 20 128 169
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 156 157 182
 119 177 135
 103 131 181
 145 184 154
 153 154 178
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 141 152 185
 150 178 152
 157 186 182
 108 164 144
 114 140 166
 102 103 181
 179 181 180
 176 187 177
 119 120 177
 170 180 171
 14 171 15
 20 169 21
 168 169 187
 137 188 160
 113 114 166
 165 166 167
 108 109 164
 163 167 164
 123 183 125
 157 183 189
 144 184 145
 152 154 184
 140 141 185
 152 184 185
 152 178 154
 157 189 186
 133 186 189
 135 188 137
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 155 182 186
 168 187 176
 131 133 189
 128 129 190
 177 187 188
 128 190 169
 169 190 187
 129 160 190
 140 185 166
 166 185 167
 144 164 184
 164 167 184
 123 171 183
 171 180 183
 133 155 186
 135 177 188
 131 189 181
 180 189 183
 167 185 184
 160 187 190
 180 181 189
 129 158 173
 162 182 174
 111 112 191
 12 101 192
 110 191 163
 13 192 170
 197 198 214
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 209 222 224
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 7 226 8
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 8 228 9
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 5 230 6
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 4 231 5
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 6 227 7
 208 209 224
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 206 235 237
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 1 204 2
 224 241 234
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 225 243 242
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 238 244 241
 236 241 279
 234 241 236
 230 233 232
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 233 246 245
 232 245 247
 227 232 240
 232 247 240
This is shortened!

This is only a part of the mesh and so of the geometry. The mesh only consists of triangles, it's a surface mesh.
Perhapts now anybody can help me to convert such a mesh to the OpenFOAM format?

I hope so. Best regards.
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Old   September 16, 2013, 09:12
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what about (CFD General Notation System/"CGNS") does Tau support this Standard?
There was a converter made by Martin Beaudoin
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Old   September 23, 2013, 14:10
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I'm sorry, but TAU doesn't support this Standard. It only supports the Network Common Data Format (NetCDF). This is an ASCII based output.

Does anyone know this format or how to convert into an OpenFOAM readable format?

Best regards,
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Old   September 25, 2013, 04:48
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there should be a relation between those two formats
Three projects, MPIIO,HDF5 and parallel netCDF (PnetCDF) are closely related to this research.

netcdf->netcdf-4 which is build on HDF5
CGNS can make use of low-level data format: HDF5

ncdump utility can be used to convert a netCDF-file to a human-readable ASCII format => maybe you can describe the structure of the file that way
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Old   November 5, 2013, 07:06
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I am currently using Tau and in the 2012 version there is a tau2cgns script, from there you should be able to convert to OpenFOAM.

If you don't have this you can use the ncdump and ncgen commands to dump a netcdf file to ASCII and back again.

I have previously used ncdump and ncgen to convert su2 to tau but it should be too hard to convert back again, sadly I don't have these files anymore to show you. When you use ncdump you will get a different output to what you have got from TECPLOT360 and it should be much simpler to understand the points.

If you can load the mesh into TECPLOT360 you could save it as a different format and if you have access to pointwise you can write the OpenFOAM grid that way.
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Old   July 5, 2023, 10:45
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Originally Posted by bensciens View Post
I am currently using Tau and in the 2012 version there is a tau2cgns script, from there you should be able to convert to OpenFOAM.

If you don't have this you can use the ncdump and ncgen commands to dump a netcdf file to ASCII and back again.

I have previously used ncdump and ncgen to convert su2 to tau but it should be too hard to convert back again, sadly I don't have these files anymore to show you. When you use ncdump you will get a different output to what you have got from TECPLOT360 and it should be much simpler to understand the points.

If you can load the mesh into TECPLOT360 you could save it as a different format and if you have access to pointwise you can write the OpenFOAM grid that way.
Could you help me understand how you executed these commands please? How do you use the ncdump and ncgen files to go from .su2 to tau.grid?

Also, do you know where the fluent2tau script originates from? Is it packaged with tau or home-brewed?

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