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[Other] How to define internal walls for injector inside a combustion chamber by OF2.1.1 with

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Old   May 22, 2013, 07:59
Default How to define internal walls for injector inside a combustion chamber by OF2.1.1 with
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Cardiff, UK
Posts: 74
Rep Power: 13
sandy13 is on a distinguished road
Dear Foamers,
Please any help or advice to push my geometry out. I am using OF2.1.1 . I have Injector inside combustion chamber, I have inlet fuel(patch), inlet air(patch) out let(patch in the bottom) and the rest is walls including the internal ones for the injector as in the you can see in the attached sketched. I used topoSet dict to define the injector walls and createBaffles utility but it did not work. What to do? any thoughts? below is my blockmesh dictionary and toposet file as well.

convertToMeters 0.001;


(-1.6 -1.6 464)//0
(1.6 -1.6 464)//1
(1.6 1.6 464)//2
(-1.6 1.6 464)//3

(-1.6 -1.6 500)//4
(1.6 -1.6 500)//5
(1.6 1.6 500)//6
(-1.6 1.6 500)//7

(-10.5 -10.5 464)//8
(10.5 -10.5 464)//9
(10.5 10.5 464)//10
(-10.5 10.5 464)//11

(-10.5 -10.5 500)//12
(10.5 -10.5 500)//13
(10.5 10.5 500)//14
(-10.5 10.5 500)//15

(-20 -20 464)//16
(20 -20 464)//17
(20 20 464)//18
(-20 20 464)//18

(-20 -20 500)//20
(20 -20 500)//21
(20 20 500)//22
(-20 20 500)//23

(-64 -64 464)//24
(64 -64 464)//25
(64 64 464)//26
(-64 64 464)//27

(-64 -64 500)//28
(64 -64 500)//29
(64 64 500)//30
(-64 64 500)//31

(-64 -64 0)//32
(64 -64 0)//33
(64 64 0)//34
(-64 64 0)//35


hex (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (5 5 5) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //0 //fuel inlet
hex (10 11 3 2 14 15 7 6) (5 5 5) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //1 //fuel inlet thickness
hex (11 8 0 3 15 12 4 7) (5 5 5) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //2 //fuel inlet thickness
hex (8 9 1 0 12 13 5 4) (5 5 5) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //3 //fuel inlet thickness
hex (9 10 2 1 13 14 6 5) (5 5 5) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //4 //fuel inlet thickness

hex (18 19 11 10 22 23 15 14) (5 5 5) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //5 //air inlet patch from hex 5
hex (19 16 8 11 23 20 12 15) (5 5 5) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //6 //air inlet patch from hex 6
hex (16 17 9 8 20 21 13 12) (5 5 5) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //7 //air inlet patch from hex 7
hex (17 18 10 9 21 22 14 13) (5 5 5) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //8 //air inlet patch from hex 8

hex (26 27 19 18 30 31 23 22) (5 5 5) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //9 // upper surface wall
hex (27 24 16 19 31 28 20 23) (5 5 5) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //10 // upper surface wall
hex (24 25 17 16 28 29 21 20) (5 5 5) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //11 // upper surface wall
hex (25 26 18 17 29 30 22 21) (5 5 5) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //12 // upper surface wall

hex (32 33 34 35 24 25 26 27) (5 5 5) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //13 // atomization domain



arc 6 7 (0 2.1 500)
arc 7 4 (-2.1 0 500)
arc 4 5 (0 -2.1 500)
arc 5 6 (2.1 0 500)

arc 2 3 (0 2.1 464)
arc 3 0 (-2.1 0 464)
arc 0 1 (0 -2.1 464)
arc 1 2 (2.1 0 464)

arc 14 15 (0 15 500)
arc 15 12 (-15 0 500)
arc 12 13 (0 -15 500)
arc 13 14 (15 0 500)

arc 10 11 (0 15 464)
arc 11 8 (-15 0 464)
arc 8 9 (0 -15 464)
arc 9 10 (15 0 464)

arc 22 23 (0 27 500)
arc 23 20 (-27 0 500)
arc 20 21 (0 -27 500)
arc 21 22 (27 0 500)

arc 18 19 (0 27 464)
arc 19 16 (-27 0 464)
arc 16 17 (0 -27 464)
arc 17 18 (27 0 464)

arc 26 27 (0 90 464)
arc 27 24 (-90 0 464)
arc 24 25 (0 -90 464)
arc 25 26 (90 0 464)

arc 30 31 (0 90 500)
arc 31 28 (-90 0 500)
arc 28 29 (0 -90 500)
arc 29 30 (90 0 500)

arc 34 35 (0 90 0)
arc 35 32 (-90 0 0)
arc 32 33 (0 -90 0)
arc 33 34 (90 0 0)



type patche;
(4 5 6 7)


type patches;
(22 23 15 14)
(23 20 12 15)
(20 21 13 12)
(21 22 14 13)

type patche;
(32 35 34 33)

type patche;

(32 24 27 35) //left wall
(24 28 31 27)
(32 33 25 24) // front
(24 25 29 28)
(33 34 26 25) //right
(25 26 30 29)
(35 27 26 34) //back
(27 31 30 26)

(30 31 23 22) // upper patche
(31 28 20 23) // upper patche
(28 29 21 20) // upper patche
(29 30 22 21) // upper patche

(14 15 7 6) // patche wall between the fuel and the air
(15 12 4 7) // patche wall between the fuel and the air
(12 13 5 4) // patche wall between the fuel and the air
(13 14 6 5) // patche wall between the fuel and the air



object topoSetDict;

name c0;
type cellSet;
action clear;
name c0;
type cellSet;
action invert;
name c0;
type cellSet;
action delete;
source cylinderAnnulusToCell;
p1 (0 0 0.464);
p2 (0 0 0.5);
outerRadius 0.022;
innerRadius 0.020;
Attached Images
File Type: jpg img007.jpg (67.6 KB, 16 views)
sandy13 is offline   Reply With Quote


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