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Installing OpenFOAM 2.1 and enGrid

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Old   March 28, 2012, 11:28
Default Installing OpenFOAM 2.1 and enGrid
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Hello everyone,

I would like to know how I could install openfoam, paraview and engrid and not crashing my ubuntu 11.10.

I tried to install engrid last week and couldn't open it. If I tried the command 'engrid' it said the executable was not found, if I tried to run 'engridFoam' it was complaining about some VTK in the ThirdParty directory (which I had not installed). After trying a few things, paraview stopped working. I managed to uninstall each of those softwares, installed them back again and still nothing worked. Even Gmsh didn't work properly. Everything related with display.

To make things short, my system got corrupted and I've had to reinstall ubuntu again.


Could someone help me installing openfoam, paraview, engrid, and a good geometry generation program to mesh with the latter, from scratch and noticing that I would like to installed the newst openfoam version (2.1.0), either from ubuntu deb compiled files or from sources.

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Old   March 28, 2012, 14:52
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I installed engrid 2 days ago and everything keeps working fine. I haven't teste foamToEngrid though…
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Old   March 28, 2012, 16:13
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Bruno Santos
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Greetings to all!

@aerospain: I don't have much time to go into detail, so here's the summary:
  1. For OpenFOAM, either follow the instructions for the Source Pack or the Repository Release. This way it's less likely you'll kill off your own system again
  2. For ParaView, follow the instructions on those pages as well. If you want full capabilities for ParaView, instead of the standard that OpenFOAM gives you, follow these instructions instead: ParaView 3.12.0 SuperBuild on OpenFOAM
  3. To fix issues with ParaView, take a look at my blog post: Related issues to ParaView with OpenFOAM - Fixes and solutions
  4. As for enGrid, it's simple:
    1. Building enGrid on an Ubuntu system
    2. To learn how to use enGrid 1.3.0: Damper within duct
    3. To learn how to use Blender 2.49b for then using with enGrid: Unstructured Grids for OpenFOAM With Blender and enGrid
    4. In case you want to use the latest Blender, there are some scripts you can test:!/engits/status/182793662835593216
    5. Got questions about enGrid (free and/or paid):
    6. Want training for using enGrid:
Good luck!
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Old   March 28, 2012, 16:42
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Hi lovecraft22,

Glad to hear it worked for you!
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Old   March 28, 2012, 16:48
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Hi wyldckat,

I will try your suggestions tomorrow, I forgot to open ssh connectivity at work before leaving and cannot do anything from home :-(

I have a question at this point. With which sources should I start following the steps for the SuperBuild. Let's assume I install OpenFOAM with the 'official' deb packages.

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Old   March 28, 2012, 17:48
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wyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to all
Hi aerospain,

Originally Posted by aerospain View Post
With which sources should I start following the steps for the SuperBuild.
The blog post I refer to has the complete instructions.

Originally Posted by aerospain View Post
Let's assume I install OpenFOAM with the 'official' deb packages.
Uhm... I said:
Originally Posted by wyldckat View Post
  1. For OpenFOAM, either follow the instructions for the Source Pack or the Repository Release. This way it's less likely you'll kill off your own system again
Which translates to this: DO NOT use the 'official' deb!!
The reasoning is simple: if you install the OpenFOAM deb packages, means that all of the source code and binaries that come with OpenFOAM will be placed in "/opt", which is only editable by the "root" user. This means that if you do one wrong step, you could completely damage your entire Ubuntu installation... which you've already done once!!! Therefore: DO NOT use the OpenFOAM deb packages!!!

If you use either the Source Pack or the Repository Release, if things go wrong, you'll only damage your own user folder, not your entire installation! And if that happens, you only have to create a new user name for yourself and start once more to install OpenFOAM.

If you want to provide your personal OpenFOAM build to everyone that uses your machine, then it's just a matter of properly copying the resulting build to the suitable folders and simply edit one or two files to make things work in the copied version. If this is the case, let us know!

Best regards,
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Old   March 30, 2012, 04:14
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Hello wyldckat,

Unfortunately, it hasn't worked for me. I got one error during make which I thought meant I had to repeat the make process a few times, as you recommend in your post. But, in the end, I got the following error message:
CMake Error at Silo-prefix/src/Silo-stamp/download-Silo.cmake:6 (file):
file DOWNLOAD MD5 mismatch

for file: [/opt/ThirdParty-2.1.x/build/linux64Gcc/SuperBuild/silo-4.8-bsd.tar.gz]
expected MD5 sum: [040d99a7b55be4e2e0bb765560d3137c]
actual MD5 sum: [03e27c977f34dc6e9a5f3864153c24fe]

make[2]: *** [Silo-prefix/src/Silo-stamp/Silo-download] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Silo.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
^C[1]+ Exit 2 sudo make -j 8 > make.log 2>&1

Thanks for your help
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Old   April 1, 2012, 06:19
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Hi aerospain,

Sorry for the delay, but I wasn't able to look into this sooner. The fix should be as follows:
  1. Edit the file that has the package versions:
    gedit $WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/ParaView-3.12.0/SuperBuild/PackageVersions.cmake
    gedit is the text editor used in this example, but you can use any other.
  2. Change this line:
    set(SILO_MD5 040d99a7b55be4e2e0bb765560d3137c)
    set(SILO_MD5 03e27c977f34dc6e9a5f3864153c24fe)
  3. Then do the last 2 lines of point 3 of the blog post once again, since this should help get past the issue with SILO.
I'm going to look deeper into this sometime this week and try to use ParaView's 3.14 dependencies instead, since those shouldn't be updated over time.

Best regards,
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