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OpenFoam-1.7.x on Suse 11.2 (64bit) does not compile

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Old   August 26, 2010, 03:25
Default OpenFoam-1.7.x on Suse 11.2 (64bit) does not compile
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Germany
Posts: 96
Rep Power: 17
val46 is on a distinguished road

I'm working with OF1.7.0 on Suse 11.2 (64bit) without any problems.
Now I'm trying to make OF1.7.x work but without success.

gcc : 4.4.4 (foamInstallationcheck says 4.4.1)
qt: 4.5.3
cmake: 2.6.4
flex: 2.5.35
bison: 2.4.1

This is a small part of the error message:

tream&, Foam::triSurface const&)'                                                                                           
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::triSurface::write(Foam::Ostream&) const'                                                                                                       
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::triSurface::triSurface(Foam::triSurface const&)'                                                                                               
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::DimensionedField<Foam::SymmTensor<double>, Foam::triSurfaceGeoMesh>::typeName'                                                                 
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::DimensionedField<Foam::SphericalTensor<double>, Foam::triSurfaceGeoMesh>::typeName'                                                            
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::triSurface::triSurface(Foam::List<Foam::labelledTri> const&, Foam::Field<Foam::Vector<double> > const&)'                                       
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::triSurface::triSurface(Foam::List<Foam::labelledTri>&, Foam::List<Foam::geometricSurfacePatch> const&, Foam::Field<Foam::Vector<double> >&, bool)'                                                                                                                         
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::triSurface::write(Foam::fileName const&, bool) const'                                                                                          
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::decompositionMethod::New(Foam::dictionary const&)'                                                                                             
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::triSurface::scalePoints(double const&)'                                                                                                        
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::IPstream::waitRequests()'                                                                                                                      
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::DimensionedField<Foam::Tensor<double>, Foam::triSurfaceGeoMesh>::typeName'                                                                     
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::Pstream::abort()'   
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::triSurface::movePoints(Foam::Field<Foam::Vector<double> > const&)'                                                                             
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::IPstream::read(Foam::Pstream::commsTypes, int, char*, long)'                                                                                   
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::triSurface::subsetMesh(Foam::List<bool> const&, Foam::List<int>&, Foam::List<int>&) const'                                                     
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::faceTriangulation::faceTriangulation(Foam::Field<Foam::Vector<double> > const&, Foam::face const&, Foam::Vector<double> const&, bool)'         
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::Particle<Foam::passiveParticle>::typeName'                                                                                                     
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::reduce(double&, Foam::sumOp<double> const&)'                                                                                                   
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::triSurface::~triSurface()'                                                                                                                     
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::triSurface::~triSurface()'                                                                                                                     
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::triSurface::markZones(Foam::List<bool> const&, Foam::List<int>&) const'                                                                        
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::triSurface::operator=(Foam::triSurface const&)'                                                                                                
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::triSurface::edgeOwner() const'                                                                                                                 
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::triSurface::triSurface()'                                                                                                                      
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::triSurface::triSurface(Foam::List<Foam::labelledTri> const&, Foam::List<Foam::geometricSurfacePatch> const&, Foam::Field<Foam::Vector<double> > const&)'                                                                                                                   
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::Pstream::init(int&, char**&)'                                                                                                                   
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::triSurface::triSurface(Foam::triSurface const&)'                                                                                               
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::decompositionMethod::typeName'                                                                                                                 
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::triSurface::clearOut()'                                                                                                                        
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::Pstream::addValidParOptions(Foam::HashTable<Foam::string, Foam::word, Foam::string::hash>&)'                                                    
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status                                                                                         
make[2]: *** [/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/applications/bin/linux64GccDPOpt/IFCLookUpTableGen] Fehler 1            
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/applications/utilities/thermophysical/IFCLookUpTableGen'  
make[1]: *** [IFCLookUpTableGen] Fehler 2                                                                                   
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/applications/utilities/thermophysical/mixtureAdiabaticFlameT'                                                                                                                        
Making dependency list for source file mixtureAdiabaticFlameT.C                                                             
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/applications/utilities/thermophysical/mixtureAdiabaticFlameT'                                                                                                                         
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/applications/utilities/thermophysical/mixtureAdiabaticFlameT'                                                                                                                        
SOURCE=mixtureAdiabaticFlameT.C ;  g++ -m64 -Dlinux64 -DWM_DP -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wold-style-cast -Wnon-virtual-dtor -O3  -DNoRepository -ftemplate-depth-40 -I/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/src/thermophysicalModels/specie/lnInclude -IlnInclude -I. -I/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude -I/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/src/OSspecific/POSIX/lnInclude   -fPIC -c $SOURCE -o Make/linux64GccDPOpt/mixtureAdiabaticFlameT.o                       
g++ -m64 -Dlinux64 -DWM_DP -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wold-style-cast -Wnon-virtual-dtor -O3  -DNoRepository -ftemplate-depth-40 -I/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/src/thermophysicalModels/specie/lnInclude -IlnInclude -I. -I/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude -I/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/src/OSspecific/POSIX/lnInclude   -fPIC Make/linux64GccDPOpt/mixtureAdiabaticFlameT.o -L/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt \          
             -lspecie -lOpenFOAM -liberty -ldl   -lm -o /home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/applications/bin/linux64GccDPOpt/mixtureAdiabaticFlameT                                                                                                   
/usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/4.4/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)                      
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `vtable for Foam::OPstream'
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::OPstream::waitRequests()'                                                                                                                       
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::OPstream::~OPstream()'                                                                                                                          
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::IPstream::IPstream(Foam::Pstream::commsTypes, int, int, Foam::IOstream::streamFormat, Foam::IOstream::versionNumber)'                           
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::Pstream::exit(int)' 
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::OPstream::write(Foam::Pstream::commsTypes, int, char const*, long)'                                                                             
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::IPstream::waitRequests()'                                                                                                                       
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::Pstream::abort()'   
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::IPstream::read(Foam::Pstream::commsTypes, int, char*, long)'                                                                                    
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::reduce(double&, Foam::sumOp<double> const&)'                                                                                                    
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::Pstream::init(int&, char**&)'                                                                                                                   
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::Pstream::addValidParOptions(Foam::HashTable<Foam::string, Foam::word, Foam::string::hash>&)'                                                    
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status                                                                                         
make[2]: *** [/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/applications/bin/linux64GccDPOpt/mixtureAdiabaticFlameT] Fehler 1       
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/applications/utilities/thermophysical/mixtureAdiabaticFlameT'                                                                                                                         
make[1]: *** [mixtureAdiabaticFlameT] Fehler 2                                                                              
make[1]: Das Target »application« wurde wegen Fehlern nicht aktualisiert.                                                   
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/applications/utilities/thermophysical'                    
make: *** [thermophysical] Fehler 2                                                                                         
make: Das Target »application« wurde wegen Fehlern nicht aktualisiert.
Any experience with that?



These are the first lines when I type in "wmake all solvers" in the applications folder:

kressnt@chml1005:~/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/applications> wmake all solvers
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/applications/solvers/basic'
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/applications/solvers/basic/laplacianFoam'
g++ -m64 -Dlinux64 -DWM_DP -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wold-style-cast -Wnon-virtual-dtor -O3  -DNoRepository -ftemplate-depth-40 -I/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/src/finiteVolume/lnInclude -IlnInclude -I. -I/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude -I/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/src/OSspecific/POSIX/lnInclude   -fPIC Make/linux64GccDPOpt/laplacianFoam.o -L/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt \                                  
             -lfiniteVolume -lOpenFOAM -liberty -ldl   -lm -o /home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/applications/bin/linux64GccDPOpt/laplacianFoam                                                                                                      
/usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/4.4/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)               
/usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/4.4/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)                
/usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/4.4/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)                      
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::operator<<(Foam::Ostream&, Foam::wallPoint const&)'                                                                                         
/home/kressnt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ undefined reference to `Foam::cellDistFuncs::cellDistFuncs(Foam::polyMesh const&)'
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Old   August 26, 2010, 06:28
Default Problem solved
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val46 is on a distinguished road
Looks like the problem is solved.

It seems i have a fundamental problem with my linux configuration.

I followed the install guide on

source the etc/bashrc file by adding the following line to the end of your $HOME/.bashrc file:
. $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/etc/bashrc
then type “. $HOME/.bashrc” in the current terminal window
but this is not completely recognized by the system.
As I experienced before I have to type in
. $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/etc/bashrc
every time i start a shell terminal.
Otherwise the compiling fails (or the already installed version 1.7.0 is not working).

I'm not a linux expert. Thats why I don't know what to do to solve that issue.
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Old   August 26, 2010, 18:24
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Bruno Santos
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wyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to all
Greetings Toni,

I've also had those problems with openSUSE's "$HOME/.bashrc", but only with older versions, such as 10.3... and I don't remember ever being able to fix them

I'm assuming that your $HOME/.bashrc file had this on its end:
test -s ~/.alias && . ~/.alias || true
And now it has the sourcing line to OpenFOAM's bashrc after that.

So, lets try to figure what is going wrong with your system If I were in your shoes, I would:
  1. Edit the file $HOME/.bashrc;
  2. Before and after each code line (lines without # and not empty), I would type:
    echo "Got Here 1"
    and increment the last digit for each of these lines. Example:
    echo "Got Here 1"
    test -s ~/.alias && . ~/.alias || true
    echo "Got Here 2"
    . $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/etc/bashrc
    echo "Got Here 3"
  3. Start a new terminal and see what lines were echoed. Now, some of the possible results:
    • Nothing was outputed - then something got damaged in your system It might be necessary to dig deeper, possibly starting with the script file /etc/profile.
    • Everything was outputed - if this happened, then I can almost bet you forgot the space between the . and $HOME
    • Only "Got Here 1" was echoed - a bit odd, but it could happen... Quick solution: just move the 1.7.x line to the line next to "Got Here 1"
    • Any other result would probably be a variation of the previous ones...
So, the more relevant info you can provide, the higher the probability we can help you But hopefully, these steps will get you right to the solution. If not... give us some more feedback so we can try to figure out what's going on!

Best regards,
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Old   August 27, 2010, 04:32
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Gijsbert Wierink
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Hi Toni,

Perhaps you already had a look, but maybe Alberto Passalacqua's page is of some help ...
Regards, Gijs
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Old   August 27, 2010, 04:43
Join Date: Nov 2009
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val46 is on a distinguished road
Hi Bruno,

thanks for your very detailed reply.

I'm assuming that your $HOME/.bashrc file had this on its end:
test -s ~/.alias && . ~/.alias || true
And now it has the sourcing line to OpenFOAM's bashrc after that.

Here is what I did:

echo "Got Here 1"
export EDITOR=/usr/bin/kwrite

echo "Got Here 2"
test -s ~/.alias && . ~/.alias || true
echo "Got Here 3"
#. $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.0/etc/bashrc
. $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/etc/bashrc
echo "Got Here 4"
And guess what... the output is

Got Here 1
Got Here 2
Got Here 3
Got Here 4
Everything was outputed - if this happened, then I can almost bet you forgot the space between the . and $HOME
As you can see in the code the space is there ;-)

The very very very VERY "fascinating" thing is now: It works!
Without changing a thing it works. I don't have to type in the OF bashrc path by hand anymore.
Not sure what to think of that honestly.

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