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How to Install OpenFOAM on 64 Ubuntu 9.04

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Old   March 19, 2010, 15:09
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vex is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by wyldckat View Post
OK, if it's still the QT_RCC_EXECUTABLE issue... try this:
which rcc
If it shows something like:
then it is installed.
To which I get
Also, have you tried:
cd $FOAM_APP/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/PV3FoamReader
To which I get:
[ 8%] Generating qrc_PV3FoamReader.cxx
make[2]: QT_RCC_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND: Command not found
make[2]: *** [qrc_PV3FoamReader.cxx] Error 127
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/PV3FoamReader.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
If you've tried all of the above to no success, then lets go to the other possibility: Paraview needs to be (re)built. Do you know if you've already built Paraview that comes with OpenFOAM's ThirdParty? Or are you using the one that comes with the linuxGcc package?
I believe I've already built Paraview from OpenFOAM's ThirdParty.
Either way, try:
I'm not sure if it cleans after itself In other words, you might want to remove the folders "paraview-3.6.1/platforms/*" first, but do it only if it doesn't build at first.
I rebuilt it, I suppose this is where I have issues. I just noticed errors. Some of the ones I've noticed are:
CMake Error: The following variable are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.  Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
  Used as include directory in directory /home/vex/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-1.6/paraview-3.6.1/VTK/GUISupport/Qt
  Used as include directory in directory /home/vex/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-1.6/paraview-3.6.1/VTK/Qt/Chart
  Used as include directory in directory /home/vex/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-1.6/paraview-3.6.1/VTK/GUISupport/Qt/Testing/Cxx
There are additional warnings and what appears to be missing library files...
Qt QTGUI library not found.
Qt QTCORE library not found.
There's also a warning or two:
Warning: QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE reported QT_INSTALL_LIBS as /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.3.5/lib
Warning: /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.3.5/lib does NOT exist, Qt must NOT be installed correctly.
So I'm thinking my error may be there.
If it builds successfully, then try building once again the PV3FoamReader
Thanks for your help, I'm really looking forward to actually being able to teach myself OpenFOAM.
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Old   March 19, 2010, 15:28
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Originally Posted by vex View Post
Ah HA! You're using the 4.3.5 custom build of Qt, so it pretty much doesn't matter how many packages you install via apt-get, because the custom build takes precedence in your system!

So... why are you using the custom version? I mean custom, because it isn't the system default version

OK, then let's take one step back. How did you build the custom Qt library? Did you execute the makeQt script that comes with the ThirdParty General package? If not, you should have

By the way, have you tried Mads OpenFOAM 1.6.x install cookbook for Ubuntu, available here (see Mads signature for the link)? There a variant of the same script, by Canesin here, which is a bit more generic for Ubuntu various versions. They aren't perfect, but seems to do the trick for many new users!

Either way, knowing what installation steps have you taken so far will make it simpler to help you making OpenFOAM work I didn't know you had installed the Qt 4.3.5, which makes a whole lot of difference, and knowing how you installed it is also important!

Best regards,
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Old   March 19, 2010, 15:43
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Originally Posted by wyldckat View Post
Ah HA! You're using the 4.3.5 custom build of Qt, so it pretty much doesn't matter how many packages you install via apt-get, because the custom build takes precedence in your system!

So... why are you using the custom version? I mean custom, because it isn't the system default version

OK, then let's take one step back. How did you build the custom Qt library? Did you execute the makeQt script that comes with the ThirdParty General package? If not, you should have

By the way, have you tried Mads OpenFOAM 1.6.x install cookbook for Ubuntu, available here (see Mads signature for the link)? There a variant of the same script, by Canesin here, which is a bit more generic for Ubuntu various versions. They aren't perfect, but seems to do the trick for many new users!

Either way, knowing what installation steps have you taken so far will make it simpler to help you making OpenFOAM work I didn't know you had installed the Qt 4.3.5, which makes a whole lot of difference, and knowing how you installed it is also important!

Best regards,
Okay, I'll go ahead and scrap what I have so far and start anew.
Currently running the script as I type.
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9.04, installing openfoam, ubuntu 9.04

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