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OpenFoam 1.5.x installation

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Old   March 19, 2009, 05:29
Default OpenFoam 1.5.x installation
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I need to upgrade from 1.5 to 1.5.x for reasons I won't go into. I have changed the line in the ~/.basrc file to 1.5.x from 1.5, and updated that by typing . $HOME/.bashrc. Then ran ./Allwmake in the OpenFoam/OpenFoam-1.5.x directory. It seemed to work after compiling for a couple of hours, but none of the commands run - eg blockMesh returns 'command not found'. I ran foamIntsallationTest which highlighted ths:

Third party software
Software Version Location
gcc 4.3.1 .../OpenFOAM/ThirdParty/gcc-4.3.1/platforms/linux/bin/gcc
gzip 1.3.12 /bin/gzip
tar 1.19 /bin/tar
WARNING: Conflicting installations:
OpenFOAM settings : /home/itpower/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.5.x/applications/bin/linuxGccDPOpt/icoFoam
current path :

The directory /home/itpower/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.5.x/applications/bin/linuxGccDPOpt/ is empty. Is there an easy fix for this? I am a total beginner and don't understand things like 'sourcing environment variables' or anythnig like that. But I'd be very grateful for any advice please!


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Old   March 19, 2009, 09:16
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Hello Gareth,
It seems that your icoFoam solver didn't get compiled. The cause of this is most likely some failure in compiling some of the openFoam libraries.
My suggestion is to start from the top of OpenFOAM-1.5.x directory and look inside the Allwmake files. There are simple shell commands, that you can copy/paste in an xterm and run them one by one. You will see exactly where the problem lies.

I hope this is useful,
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Old   March 19, 2009, 11:47
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Rishi .
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Hello Gareth,

I also has a similar error 2 weeks ago. I am trying to recall how I solved this error. I guess I compiled the ThirdParty from Hrv's site and then compiled OF-1.5.x. Then it definately has something to with sourcing files. I guess I used 1.5 while compiliing ThirdParty and 1.5.x while compiliing 1.5.x

sourcing environment is explained in Section 3 of README

EITHER if running bash or ksh (if in doubt type echo $SHELL), source the etc/bashrc file by adding the following line to the end of your $HOME/.bashrc file:
  • . $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-<VERSION>/etc/bashrc
Then update the environment variables by sourcing the $HOME/.bashrc file by typing in the terminal:
  • . $HOME/.bashrc
OR if running tcsh or csh, source the etc/cshrc file by adding the following line to the end of your $HOME/.cshrc file:
  • source $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-<VERSION>/etc/cshrc
Then update the environment variables by sourcing the $HOME/.cshrc file by typing in the terminal:
  • source $HOME/.cshrc
So my suggestion delete your 1.5.x folder. Compile ThirdParty from Hrv's site. Then compile 1.5.x.

Good luck,
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Old   March 31, 2009, 03:38
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Hi Gareth,

When I compile OF1.5.x., I get the same error:

WARNING: Conflicting installations:
OpenFOAM settings : /home/itpower/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.5.x/applications/bin/linuxGccDPOpt/icoFoam
current path :

The directory /home/itpower/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.5.x/applications/bin/linuxGccDPOpt/ is empty.

I need to think about it.

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Old   March 31, 2009, 21:56
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Ken Robinson
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Hey guys,

I'm installing 1.5.x and I would just like to add my voice to the chorus of people getting this error. I've tried recompiling the third party folder (using ./Allwmake from the third party directory), and this made no difference. Is it worth trying a clean install using only the 1.5.x files (I assume you don't need the 1.5 stuff there to operate 1.5.x)?



Edit - I'm running a clean compilation now, with freshly downloaded files, and as it's running I often get the line that OpenFOAM-1.5.x/ wmake/rules/linuxGcc/wmkdep: not found. I've had a look in the directory that this refers to, and wmkdep is in there (I'm not hugely familiar with Ubuntu or linux in general, but it has the same icon as a lot of executeables?). I've tried running it if it is an executeable, and it won't start or anything like that. Does this shed some more light?

Last edited by woodenanteater; March 31, 2009 at 23:33.
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Old   April 1, 2009, 04:27
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Niels Gjoel Jacobsen
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Hi Bin

It does indeed sound like none of your applications are compiled. The reason I can come of is that some important parts of your src-directory is not compiled, e.g.
Try to "cd ~/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.5.x/src" and execute "./Allwmake" from there. Then carefully watch whether or not you get any error messages.
Typically when you have been running the binaries from OpenCFD you are not aware, that you are missing some of the essential third party software. This is probably either the C++ header files (found in build-essential) or flex.

Good luck


P.S. If you add "export WM_NCOMPPROCS=N", where N is the number of processors to your ~/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.5.x/etc/bashrc file, then the compilation takes place on N processors instead of just one.
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