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[Other] of7 command

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Old   January 19, 2021, 13:26
Default of7 command
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Benoit AVRIL
Join Date: Jan 2021
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kalish is on a distinguished road
Hello, it is my first post around here, I might have to make a presentation somewhere else, so I will make it later.

I tried to install openFoam from that website:

It seems paraview runs smoothly and when I type

 icoFoam -help
I get

Usage: icoFoam [OPTIONS]
  -case <dir>       specify alternate case directory, default is the cwd
                    do not execute functionObjects
  -parallel         run in parallel
  -roots <(dir1 .. dirN)>
                    slave root directories for distributed running
  -srcDoc           display source code in browser
  -doc              display application documentation in browser
  -help             print the usage
So everything is ok, but then it's written

Using: OpenFOAM-4.0 (see
Build: 4.0
Ok so the number doesn't seem right. Thus I tried to write

and nothing happened, neither an error message nor anything.
Since it's written OpenFoam-4.0, I also tried


La commande « of4 » n'a pas été trouvée, voulez-vous dire :

  commande « ofl » du deb hxtools

Essayez : sudo apt install <nom du deb>
Which means the command wasn't found, do you mean ... in French.
I also tried

openfoam : commande introuvable
I have installed a lot of stuff and I can't figure out why nothing happens when I try to launch the software. It is also not in running in my processes

Thank you.
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Old   January 19, 2021, 19:45
Join Date: Mar 2010
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guin is on a distinguished road
of7 is not a command itself, but an alias for loading the OpenFOAM environment in your session. If you read again the point 8 in they explain you how to store it in your terminal settings, so that you your systems understands what you mean whenever the order "of7" is requested.

Note that, after installing OpenFOAM, you need to tell your system where to find the executables. It shall be enough to call something like
source $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-7/etc/bashrc
from the terminal before calling OpenFOAM applications. Of course, having to repeat this every time you open a new terminal window is tedious, therefore you typically want to automate this process and that's where the file $HOME/.bashrc can be useful (I assume an out-of-the-box Ubuntu). This is achieved by saving the line
source $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-7/etc/bashrc
inside that file.

Aliases such as the one you mentioned become however useful for avoiding conflicts in case you have more than one OpenFOAM version installed simultaneously on your system, which seems to be your case. They help you to choose among them what precise "icoFoam" do you want to run i.e. from OpenFOAM-7?, -2012,? -ext?, etc.

Keep sure you do not automatically load all the versions simultaneously.

This may further help you
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Old   January 21, 2021, 15:04
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Benoit AVRIL
Join Date: Jan 2021
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kalish is on a distinguished road
Thank you I will check it. I might have several versions on my computer because I tried to install it few times. I think I already wrote that line in the bashrc file. I am struggling to install openfoam, there are some obscure commands even in the very first page of the user guide, how something like
mkdir -p $FOAM_RUN
can have any meaning, it's not a directory to me. (and it's not here by the way).

Are those versions 7 or 2012 or 1912 from the same fork?
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Old   January 22, 2021, 08:01
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 98
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guin is on a distinguished road
Actually, these both commands are among the most usual ones in UNIX environments...

It may help you to start getting a bit familiar with them.
Take a look here:

and here (scroll down to "Shell variables" sub-section):
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Old   January 22, 2021, 11:25
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Benoit AVRIL
Join Date: Jan 2021
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kalish is on a distinguished road
I know them, when I type ls, the directory is not here, and mkdir tells me it lacks an argument. I never used them with that kind of syntax.
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of7 command

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