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[] Problems on installing Foam-extend 4.0/ swak4Foam on ubuntu18.0.4

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Old   September 14, 2021, 16:39
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I tried first manually, instlaling it in my /home_dir, but it didn't work out as i had to install a solver prior to installing this swak3Foam.
So then i found it and installed it from Yast2, Opensuse's standard graphical software manager. openfoam2012 was there listed just waiting for me to clikc on it:-)

So that's when it installed it on /usr/bin and /usr/lib.
There is /usr/lib/openfoam as a dynamic link to /usr/lib/openfoam2012 aside of it.

I tried several things then to install swak4Foam setting its directory in /usr/lib/. first, then /usr/lib/openFoam2012/., and then /usr/lib/openfoam .. none of them worked out.

So i did manage to install a solver but that one was written by my student, i'm not sure it is online? it compiled properly in applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam. So maybe she'd put a path that was okay.

Sorry for my ignorance with compiling OF, i have a few questions to your answer:
1) you confirm i should put swak4Foam aside to say applications and build just below /openFoam2012 directory ?

2) when you mention the failing code line to include $OBJECTS_DIR ../mybison, i naively thought it was in the Allwmake file, but i don't see any command near to that, so it should be fixed in another file: which one ??

I do have a openFoam2012/build/linux64GccDPInt32Opt directory, that should be equivalent to the one you mention Make/linux64Clang110DPInt32Opt ?

On the other hand swak4Foam indeed contains Libraries/swak4FoamParsers/Make/mybison.

Thanks a lot already for your answer, that helps a bit already. Merci!
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Old   September 14, 2021, 19:44
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Bernhard Gschaider
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Originally Posted by paramu View Post
I tried first manually, instlaling it in my /home_dir, but it didn't work out as i had to install a solver prior to installing this swak3Foam.
So then i found it and installed it from Yast2, Opensuse's standard graphical software manager. openfoam2012 was there listed just waiting for me to clikc on it:-)

So that's when it installed it on /usr/bin and /usr/lib.
There is /usr/lib/openfoam as a dynamic link to /usr/lib/openfoam2012 aside of it.

I tried several things then to install swak4Foam setting its directory in /usr/lib/. first, then /usr/lib/openFoam2012/., and then /usr/lib/openfoam .. none of them worked out.

So i did manage to install a solver but that one was written by my student, i'm not sure it is online? it compiled properly in applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam. So maybe she'd put a path that was okay.

Sorry for my ignorance with compiling OF, i have a few questions to your answer:
1) you confirm i should put swak4Foam aside to say applications and build just below /openFoam2012 directory ?

2) when you mention the failing code line to include $OBJECTS_DIR ../mybison, i naively thought it was in the Allwmake file, but i don't see any command near to that, so it should be fixed in another file: which one ??

I do have a openFoam2012/build/linux64GccDPInt32Opt directory, that should be equivalent to the one you mention Make/linux64Clang110DPInt32Opt ?

On the other hand swak4Foam indeed contains Libraries/swak4FoamParsers/Make/mybison.

Thanks a lot already for your answer, that helps a bit already. Merci!

linux64Clang110DPInt32Opt (or similar) is a subdirectory of the Make-directory where all the object files are compiled to, The name is composed of the architecture (linux64), the compiler name (Clang110) and some options (DP, Int32, Opt). This allows OF to compile different configurations (for instance Debug instead of Opt) in the same source tree. The OBJECT_DIR-variable is supposed to be set internally by the wmake command. I remotely remember with some binary distributions not doing that correctly. Thus making it hard (or impossible) to compile anything
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Old   December 19, 2021, 08:55
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Tianyang Zhao
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Originally Posted by AMalaguera View Post
I already installed foam-extend-4.0

When run the ampFsiFoam tutorials, for example run/ampFsiFoam/3dTube/fluid$
I get the error:

Essential entry 'value' missing

file: /home/angel/OpenFOAM/angel-6/FluidSolidInteraction/run/ampFsiFoam/3dTube/fluid/0/p.boundaryField.inlet from line 38 to line 40.

From function Foam::fvPatchField<Type>::fvPatchField(const Foam::fvPatch&, const Foam:imensionedField<Type, Foam::volMesh>&, const Foam::dictionary&, bool) [with Type = double]
in file /home/ubuntu/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-6/src/finiteVolume/lnInclude/fvPatchField.C at line 131.

FOAM exiting

Segmentation fault (core dumped)"

I checked the log (log.blockMesh, log.setSet and log.setstoZones) files and they were executed completely. When I see paraView, that error appears

What could be the issue?

Thank you!

I have similar questions, can you please share me with your method to install foam-extend 4.0 on ubuntu 18.04? Many thanks!
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