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[] Installing OpenFOAM-4.x on a cluster always stops at a particular point

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Old   June 21, 2019, 05:49
Default Installing OpenFOAM-4.x on a cluster always stops at a particular point
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Ruiyan Chen
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Hello Foamers,

Here's the problem I'm facing. I have installed (and used) OpenFOAM-4.x on a local server and a cluster without any problem, now I want to test it on another cluster, but it always failed at the exact same spot.

My local server is running Gcc-4.8.2, other third-party softwares are flex-2.5.35, cmake-3.2.1, Qt-4.8.7, and mpirun-1.5.4. On the cluster, since they already have some of these packages (with higher versions), I used those that are available. The compiler is Gcc-4.8.5, cmake, flex and mpirun with higher versions, and no Qt.

My error message is as follows:

make: *** No rule to make target '\', needed by 'my home directory/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-4.x/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/src/OpenFOAM/primitives/globalIndexAndTransform/globalIndexAndTransform.C.dep'. Stop.

I followed the steps here ( and the compilation went on for like 50 minutes. On the website it is said a parallel compilation on 8 cores (which was what I did on the cluster) should take about an hour, which means the compilation on the cluster was near the end.

I suspect this is a version problem, but how can the version of the compiler or other third-party softwares affect the compilation? Also, do we need Qt for openfoam compilation? I've always in the mind that to install OpenFOAM we only need a compiler, cmake, flex and openmpi, other softwares are all included in the ThirdParty directory, anything else we need?

Thanks in advance.

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Old   June 24, 2019, 17:17
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Bruno Santos
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Quick questions:
  1. Which Linux Distribution are you using?
  2. You can find step-by-step installation instructions for OpenFOAM 4.x on Ubuntu and CentOS/RHEL/SL here:
  3. If you run the command Allwmake like this:
    ./Allwmake -j > log.make 2>&1
    it will create a file named "log.make" that has the full text output from the "Allwmake" run. This will allow us to diagnose what went wrong.
    You can compress the file by running:
    gzip < log.make > log.make.gz
    And then attach the file "log.make.gz" to your next post.
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Old   June 25, 2019, 23:12
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Ruiyan Chen
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Hi Bruno,

Thank you for offering the help! I've seen you helping so many people on this forum and you guys made the forum where it is now.

As for my issue, seems like I wasn't able to reproduce the issue, but still when I recompiled the source code I got into problems. Here's what I did.

I'm using RedHat 4.8.5-11, the system comes with gcc-4.8.5. Before compiling OpenFOAM, I added cmake, flex and openmpi through the $HOME/.bashrc file, and sourced OpenFOAM. The cmake, flex and openmpi are already compiled on the cluster, so what I did was just to add them by using a simple module management system. In this case they use "module load cmake" and "module unload cmake" to add/remove a specific module. The thing is, now I can only use the existing ones with a certain version number. In my case, the cluster comes with cmake-3.12.3, flex-2.6.4 and openmpi-2.1.2.

Then I went into the ThirdParty-4.x directory and compiled the source code, and went into the OpenFOAM-4.x directory and compiled using 8 cores. You can find the log.make file in the attachment.

I do have a quick question, are cmake, flex and openmpi enough for compiling OpenFOAM? Do we need anything else (other than a compiler of course)?

Attached Files
File Type: gz log.make.gz (5.1 KB, 3 views)
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Old   July 9, 2019, 20:04
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Bruno Santos
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Quick answers: Sorry for the late reply.

Looking at the log file, here is the list of problems:
  1. "zlib.h" was not found. This is because it's not made available in "/usr/include". I don't know if there is some module you can load that provides that. So either you ask your system's administrator to install the development package for zlib or you have to compile from source code.
  2. The second/last error is due to a limit on open files open by a single process that you've hit when trying to use OpenFOAM's wmkdep. If you run this command:
    ulimit -n
    it will tell you how many you are allowed to have. You can try increasing the value to something higher, e.g.:
    ulimit -n 1024
    and hope that it works. If it doesn't, then we will need to be a bit creative and get a wmkdep from a more recent version of OpenFOAM...

edit: To answer your question: I don't remember if Bison is needed for compiling OpenFOAM 4.x... but it might be necessary. Beyond that, I believe that development files for "zlib" are the only missing files.

Last edited by wyldckat; July 9, 2019 at 20:06. Reason: see "edit:"
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