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[] paraFoam Failing to Get Current Screen Resources

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Old   February 20, 2019, 17:21
Default paraFoam Failing to Get Current Screen Resources
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I'm pretty new to Ubuntu and Openfoam, and I am currently trying to get the first Openfoam tutorial to work.

I am running Ubuntu 18.04 on Windows 10, Openfoam6, Paraview5.4/5.6 (more on this later), and I have Xming installed for displaying a GUI when I use paraFoam command

I have followed the instructions for installation from the Openfoam website, and everything about Openfoam seems to work nicely: blockMesh and simpleFoam both work perfectly.

However, when I use the command "paraFoam" it returns this:

QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-neil'
failed to get the current screen resources
Xlib:  extension "MIT-SHM" missing on display "localhost:0.0".
I trolled around on these forums and found this from a post in January:

paraview 5.6 on Ubuntu 18.04 (Windows 10 WSL)

This user has the same problem as I, and another user responds saying:

I feel like I must apologize for allowing this to happen, but I haven't had time to contribute in order to avoid from this happening in the first place

The simplest solution is to go back in time, namely to install an older OpenFOAM 6 Deb package that still binds to ParaView 5.4.0, until this issue is sorted out. This can be done with the following commands:
If I am correct, he is saying that Paraview 5.6 does not work with Openfoam 6?

I followed his instructions, replacing paraviewopenfoam56 with paraviewopenfoam54; however, if I try to run paraFoam I get this:

FATAL ERROR: ParaView reader module libraries do not exist

Please build the reader module before continuing:
cd $FOAM_UTILITIES/postProcessing/graphics/PVReaders
I then did

 paraFoam -builtin
which returned
Created temporary 'pitzDaily.foam'
/opt/openfoam6/bin/paraFoam: 278: /opt/openfoam6/bin/paraFoam: paraview: not found
I have spent many hours troubleshooting with Ubuntu and Openfoam as a new user, and this seems to be the final challenge to overcome! I would really appreciate any help on this topic.

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Old   February 24, 2019, 18:50
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Quick answers:
Originally Posted by Huwinner View Post
If I am correct, he is saying that Paraview 5.6 does not work with Openfoam 6?
It should work, but it can be slower, because it's using the CPU to do the job of the GPU...

And my guess is that you haven't properly followed the instructions I wrote on that post? Because it's not just a matter of switching ParaView versions, you also have to revert the OpenFOAM installation to an older version.
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Old   March 5, 2019, 19:01
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Quoting myself from a few minutes ago:
Originally Posted by wyldckat View Post
Quick note: This issue should be fixed in the more recent Deb packages from the OpenFOAM Foundation. In CFD Direct's newsletter that I received today was the indication that this issue should be fixed, although I haven't tested it myself.
Furthermore, there is a bug report similar to your post: - It's not closed yet, but the updated Deb packages might fix this issue.
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openfoam, openfoam 6, paraview 5.6

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