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[] paraview not runing? (foam extended 3.2 and ubuntu 15.04)

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Old   April 1, 2017, 11:19
Retired Super Moderator
Bruno Santos
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wyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to all
Hi Frederik,

Originally Posted by a_slow_old_man View Post
please do excuse my tardiness. I did not have access to the computer in question for the last two days.
No problem, because usually I'm not able to look into the questions at the forum during the week.

From what I can see, there is no indication of a specific problem with file permissions. And given that the folders are all still assigned to your normal user-name and not assigned to "root", the more reason there is for there not being any permissions problems.
If you want, you can change the ownership of the folder "/opt/foam-extend-3.2" to root, so that no one else without root powers can make modifications to the contents of this folder, but I don't see any other reason for it right now:
sudo chown -R root:root /opt/foam-extend-3.2
So, beyond this previous possibility, then this means that there is something in your normal user shell environment something that is contaminating the library search, resulting in the crash. It's possible that another OpenFOAM or foam-extend environment is loaded in before foam-extend 3.2, resulting in this problem.
To check this, load the foam-extend 3.2 environment and then run the following commands:
cd ~/foam
export > shell.environment.txt 2>&1
gzip < shell.environment.txt > shell.environment.txt.gz
Then attach the file "shell.environment.txt.gz" to your next post.
You can (or even should) also check the contents of the file "shell.environment.txt" to see if there is anything related to another version of OpenFOAM or foam-extend that might be getting in the way.

Technically, the critical environment variable that we need to look at is the "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", by running the following command:
export | grep LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Best regards,
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Old   April 7, 2017, 10:07
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a_slow_old_man is on a distinguished road
Hi Bruno,

you can find the "shell.environment.txt.gz" file attached to this post.

The LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable does look a little cluttered.

declare -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/foam-extend-3.2/ThirdParty/packages/ParaView-4.3.1/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib/paraview-4.3:/opt/foam-extend-3.2/ThirdParty/packages/scotch-6.0.4/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib:/opt/foam-extend-3.2/ThirdParty/packages/libccmio-2.6.1/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib:/opt/foam-extend-3.2/ThirdParty/packages/ParMGridGen-1.0/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib:/opt/foam-extend-3.2/ThirdParty/packages/parmetis-4.0.3/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib:/opt/foam-extend-3.2/ThirdParty/packages/metis-5.1.0/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib:/opt/foam-extend-3.2/ThirdParty/packages/mesquite-2.1.2/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib:/opt/ThirdParty-2.3.0/platforms/linux64Gcc/openmpi-1.6.5/lib/openmpi/lib:/home/frederik/foam/frederik-3.2/lib/linux64GccDPOpt:/opt/site/3.2/lib/linux64GccDPOpt:/opt/foam-extend-3.2/lib/linux64GccDPOpt:/home/frederik/OpenFOAM/frederik-2.3.0/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib:/usr/lib/openmpi/lib"
Is there a quick way to overwrite this with the correct path(s)? And which would be the correct ones?

Thank you very much for your help!
Best regards,
Attached Files
File Type: gz shell.environment.txt.gz (3.0 KB, 1 views)
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Old   April 8, 2017, 08:29
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Bruno Santos
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wyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to all
Hi Frederik,

There are two critical paths that are loaded and that shouldn't be in the "LD_LIBRARY_PATH":
Inspecting the "shell.environment.txt" file indicates that you have OpenFOAM 2.3.0 and 2.4.0 still partially loaded into your shell environment.

In the wiki page - you can find more details on how to deal with the shell environment and how to load only one OpenFOAM/foam-extend version at a time.
Nonetheless, here are the steps I strongly suggest that you do:
  1. Edit the file "~/.bashrc" and find the following lines:
    source /opt/OpenFOAM-2.3.0/etc/bashrc
    source /opt/openfoam240/etc/bashrc
    source /opt/foam-extend-3.2/etc/bashrc
  2. And replace them with these lines instead:
    alias of230='source /opt/OpenFOAM-2.3.0/etc/bashrc'
    alias of240='source /opt/openfoam240/etc/bashrc'
    alias fe32='source /opt/foam-extend-3.2/etc/bashrc'
  3. Save and close the file.
  4. Start a new terminal window.
  5. Run the command:
    and you should not see any references to OpenFOAM nor foam-extend. If you do see them, then you need to find the file where you placed the source commands... possibly in the file "~/.bash_aliases".
Now, whenever you want a specific OpenFOAM/foam-extend version, start a new terminal window and run the associated alias command (in bold):
  • fe32 - for loading/activating foam-extend 3.2
  • of230 - for loading/activating OpenFOAM 2.3.0
  • of240 - for loading/activating OpenFOAM 2.4.0
If you do not start a new terminal window with a clean environment, you will likely get the same problem we have been trying to diagnose in this thread.

It is possible to unload these two OpenFOAM environments with the alias wmUNSET, but there isn't a similar script in foam-extend.

Best regards,
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Old   April 20, 2017, 06:49
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a_slow_old_man is on a distinguished road
Hi Bruno,

now after easter i could try your proposed changes. I already had the aliases set up but you were right, I had all versions sourced one after another at the start.

Originally Posted by wyldckat View Post
Now, whenever you want a specific OpenFOAM/foam-extend version, start a new terminal window and run the associated alias command (in bold):
  • fe32 - for loading/activating foam-extend 3.2
  • of230 - for loading/activating OpenFOAM 2.3.0
  • of240 - for loading/activating OpenFOAM 2.4.0
Sadly my problems are still the same, with the exception that I have to source fe32, then of410 and only then I can use of230.

I think I can live with it. I got used to the 'sudo paraview *.foam' way of starting paraview with foam extend.

Thank you for all your help with my problem, but I guess I messed something up at the installing of one or more OF versions. I'll try a clean reinstall when I have finished my current project.

Thank you for your time!

Best regards,
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