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Installing Mixing_plane in either OpenFOAM 2.3.0 or 1.6-ext

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Old   May 6, 2014, 10:25
Default Installing Mixing_plane in either OpenFOAM 2.3.0 or 1.6-ext
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can I use OF 1.6ext described in

to my version 2.3.0. Or shall I uninstall 2.3.0 and download 1.6ext. I need mixingplane.

Thanks a lot.
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Old   May 7, 2014, 04:25
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Has anyone any experience with downloading OpenFOAM-1.6-ext ? I cannot download it neither from nor from git clone git:// available on

Thank you for any advice
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Old   May 11, 2014, 16:25
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Bruno Santos
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Greetings Jiri,

You can find several ways to download 1.6-ext from this page: - check step #5 on any of the sections.

If the branch mentioned on the wiki page you've initially referred to does not git checkout, then checkout the tag "1.6.1", as it points to the last iteration made on that repository.

Best regards,
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Old   May 12, 2014, 06:04
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Thank you, installation goes fine until step 10.

There is
however in terminal I receive that file or folder does not exist. Then commands go well until step 13, which should last somewhere between 5 and 30 minutes. However after writing the command
./AllMake > log.AllMake 2>&1 nothing happens (I am immediately switched to another command line)
And the step 14 gives me an error message
Error: Directory does not exist /opt/ThirdParty-2.3.0
Error: Current directory is not $WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR
The environment variables are inconsistent with the installation.
Check the OpenFOAM entries in your dot-files and source them.
Are these error consequences of the step 10?
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Old   May 12, 2014, 16:36
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Hi Jiri,
  1. Make sure you're following the instructions for the correct version of Ubuntu!
  2. It seems that you already have OpenFOAM 2.3.0 installed. In order to avoid conflict of versions, please follow the instructions indicated at the end of step #10, namely:
    For more information on this topic, read section Using aliases to help manage multiple OpenFOAM versions in the page Installation/Working with the Shell.
  3. edit: Once you've corrected the contents of the file "$HOME/.bashrc", run these commands:
    And then continue from step #11.
Best regards,

Last edited by wyldckat; May 12, 2014 at 16:39. Reason: see "edit:"
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Old   May 13, 2014, 02:51
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Thank you, I ve already successfully managed to install it. However, could you tell me which tutorial includes rotating segment with stationary segment and mixing plane between? (also frozen rotor could be) I cannot find any such tutorial and this is why I download 1.6ext :-).
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Old   May 18, 2014, 15:22
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edit: Sorry about the confusion, but it looks like 1.6-ext has the code regarding the mixing-plane feature in another branch. During the development of foam-extend 3.0, it looks like that the branch designated as "mixingPlane_RC1" was erased and the source code that was part of it is in the branch "nr/MartinBeaudoin".

The way I see it, you have at least 2 choices:
  1. Use git to checkout the correct branch "nr/MartinBeaudoin" and then build the updated code of 1.6-ext.
  2. Or install foam-extend 3.0 instead, which already has the mixing-plane feature.
Honestly, I suggest that you install foam-extend 3.0 instead, as it's more recent. Problem might be that the mixing plane feature might not yet be working in parallel, as reported on this thread:

After you've installed foam-extend 3.0, you can find the tutorials that use it, by running this command:
find $FOAM_TUTORIALS -iname "*mixingPlane*"
------- Original answer, before I looked into this... -------
Hi Jiri,

I'll try to answer to your question on this other thread of yours: - this way this current thread is dedicated to the installation topic and the other is related to issues on how to find and run those cases.

Best regards,

Last edited by wyldckat; May 18, 2014 at 15:44. Reason: revised answer...
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Old   May 18, 2014, 16:46
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Martin Beaudoin
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Bruno's suggestion to use foam-extend-3.0 is the right answer.

OpenFOAM-1.6-ext is no longer being maintained since last October, at least publicly, so you won't get much support from the main developers there. The git repository is being kept in read-only mode.

The branch nr/MartinBeaudoin should have been killed a long time ago. There is no longer anything very useful there. Everything useful about the mixingPlane was integrated under foam-extend-3.0.

All the very latest developments, bug fixes and tutorials regarding the mixingPlane will be contributed to foam-extend-3.x, at least for the stuff I will develop and publish.

I cannot comment about porting the mixingPlane for OpenFOAM 2.3.0 since I have no experience using that code base.


Originally Posted by wyldckat View Post
edit: Sorry about the confusion, but it looks like 1.6-ext has the code regarding the mixing-plane feature in another branch. During the development of foam-extend 3.0, it looks like that the branch designated as "mixingPlane_RC1" was erased and the source code that was part of it is in the branch "nr/MartinBeaudoin".

The way I see it, you have at least 2 choices:
  1. Use git to checkout the correct branch "nr/MartinBeaudoin" and then build the updated code of 1.6-ext.
  2. Or install foam-extend 3.0 instead, which already has the mixing-plane feature.
Honestly, I suggest that you install foam-extend 3.0 instead, as it's more recent. Problem might be that the mixing plane feature might not yet be working in parallel, as reported on this thread:

After you've installed foam-extend 3.0, you can find the tutorials that use it, by running this command:
find $FOAM_TUTORIALS -iname "*mixingPlane*"
------- Original answer, before I looked into this... -------
Hi Jiri,

I'll try to answer to your question on this other thread of yours: - this way this current thread is dedicated to the installation topic and the other is related to issues on how to find and run those cases.

Best regards,
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