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[] A smooth installation of foam-3.0-extend on OpenSUSE 13.1 64-bits

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Old   January 12, 2014, 13:32
Thumbs up A smooth installation of foam-3.0-extend on OpenSUSE 13.1 64-bits
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Shang-Gui Cai
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A smooth installation of foam-3.0-extend on OpenSUSE 13.1 64-bits.
Happy new year, FOAMers:

Here is how I compile "foam-3.0-extend" (released on 18 December 2013, and in the release note, it claims that foam-extend-3.0 can be compiled and runs on any linux system and Apple Mac OS X.) from its source packages on OpenSUSE 13.1 64-bits, which is just released on November, 2013.
# 1. install additional system packages.

sudo zypper install git
sudo zypper install openmpi-devel
sudo zypper install gnuplot
sudo zypper install -t pattern devel_qt4

# 2. check the packages' version.

git --version
# output:
# git version 1.8.4

gnuplot --version
# output:
# gnuplot 4.6 patchlevel 3

qmake --version
# output:
# QMake version 2.01a
# Using Qt version 4.8.5 in /usr/lib64

mpirun --version
# output:
# mpirun (Open MPI) 1.7.2

gcc --version
# output:
# gcc (SUSE Linux) 4.8.1 20130909 [gcc-4_8-branch revision 202388]

# 3. create the installation folder and download source packages.

# The default installation folder has changed since foam-3.0-extend
# from "OpenFOAM" to "foam", but you can still install it under any
# of your favorite folder. Here I install it under "foam" by default.

cd ~
mkdir foam
cd foam
git clone git:// foam-extend-3.0

# if you want to change the installation folder, then follow this

cd foam-extend-3.0
gedit etc/bashrc

# here is the default installation directory.

export WM_PROJECT=foam


# and you can make a change as you want, like
# and then
cd ~
mv foam OpenFOAM

# 4. set the running environment.

gedit ~/.bashrc

# add the following command to the end of file.
source $HOME/foam/foam-extend-3.0/etc/bashrc

# then source it by the following command, or simply open a new terminal.
. ~/.bashrc

# 5. choose the right compilation tools.


cp etc/ etc/

gedit etc/

# 5.1 use the system installed gcc


# close and save file and then type commands

cp -r /wmake/rules/linux64Gcc46 wmake/rules/linux64Gcc48

gedit /wmake/rules/linux64Gcc48/c++

# change the depth "40" to "80" and add "-fpermissive" as following:

ptFLAGS = -DNoRepository -ftemplate-depth-80

c++FLAGS = $(GFLAGS) $(c++WARN) $(c++OPT) $(c++DBUG) $(ptFLAGS) $(LIB_HEADER_DIRS) -fPIC -fpermissive

# close and save the file and type hotfix command

git branch hotfix/gcc48

git checkout hotfix/gcc48

# 5.2 use the system installed openmpi

gedit etc/

# modify the settings of openmpi
export OPENMPI_DIR=/usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi

# 5.3 use the system installed Qt

#export QT_THIRD_PARTY=1
export QT_DIR=/usr
export QT_BIN_DIR=$QT_DIR/bin

# close and save file and then
. etc/bashrc

# 6. compile the third packages

cd Thirdparty

# 6.1 stage1
# for cmake-2.8.12

# and do it twice and you can see the compilation result more briefly.

# 6.2 stage3
# for metis-5.1.0, ParMGridGen-1.0, libccmio-2.6.1, mesquite-2.1.2,
# scotch-6.0.0, parmetis-4.0.3, PyFoam-0.6.1, hwloc-1.7.2

# and do it twice and you can see the compilation result more briefly.

# 6.3 stage4
# for ParaView-4.0.1

# and do it twice and you can see the compilation result more briefly.

If there is no mores errors, then we can move forward to the next step.

# 7. compile foam-extend-3.0

. ~/foam/foam-extend-3.0/etc/bashrc

./Allwmake.firstInstall >& log.Allwmake.firstInstall &
tail -f log.Allwmake.firstInstall

# It's very important to check the log file when errors exist, and to find out the first error.
# I have encountered the first error when I didn't change the c++ file at the depth of "40", and the error comes:
lnInclude/VectorSpaceM.H:13:31: error: template instantiation depth exceeds maximum of 40 (use -ftemplate-depth= to increase the maximum)
# but after I change the depth into 80, and compile it a second time, then no more errors exist.
# 8. installation check

icoFoam -help
# output:
# Usage: icoFoam [-parallel] [-case dir] [-noFunctionObjects] [-help] [-doc] [-srcDoc]

It's done. Hope it will be useful to you.


1. "foam-3.0-extend" has been also installed and tested on OpenSUSE 12.2 64-bits, but minor settings related to gcc should be modified from 48 to 47, as I use gcc version 4.7 on OpenSUSE 12.2 64-bits.

2. "foam-3.0-extend" is the new version of OpenFOAM-1.6-ext and is also compatible to the previous version. Installation of OpenFOAM-1.6-ext on OpenSUSE 12.2 64-bits has been also proved to be successful according to the above instructions.

Last edited by cookcaptain; January 13, 2014 at 19:55.
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Old   January 12, 2014, 13:52
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Bruno Santos
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wyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to all
Greetings John and welcome (back?) to the forum!

And many thanks for sharing!
Is there any way I can convince you to add your instructions to the (unofficial) wiki at Namely on this page: - in the dedicated section for it, which I've already added a link to this thread.

Best regards,
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Old   January 13, 2014, 20:11
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Shang-Gui Cai
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Originally Posted by wyldckat View Post
Greetings John and welcome (back?) to the forum!

And many thanks for sharing!
Is there any way I can convince you to add your instructions to the (unofficial) wiki at Namely on this page: - in the dedicated section for it, which I've already added a link to this thread.

Best regards,
Greetings Bruno, it could be my pleasure to share the instructions on the OpenFOAM wiki page, and I have seen the link already added to this thread. Please feel free to contact me by about what I can do here.

Shanggui CAI (John)
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Old   January 26, 2014, 15:09
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Bruno Santos
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wyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to all
Hi Shanggui CAI,

Sorry, I usually prefer to keep OpenFOAM+forum related issues here on the forum, otherwise I loose track of what, who or where I still have to answer to

The steps for you to help with the wiki, should very simple:
  1. Register on the wiki:
  2. If no link is provided upon the registration is confirmed by the admin, on where to start reading on how to help, then have a look here:
  3. Go to the section "openSUSE 13.1" on the wiki page mentioned before and click on the "edit" link to the right:
  4. Do the same on this section: - which you can use as a structure template and adjust accordingly. Once in edit mode, you can simply select the whole or parts of the wiki-text and copy-paste onto the page currently being edited at openSUSE 13.1.
Best regards,
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Old   February 7, 2014, 13:54
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Alex Chan
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Hello! I'm having trouble installing foam-extend-3.0 on my system (OpenSUSE-13.1). I saw you skip the stage 2 of the ThirdParty compilation. Is there any reason? I believe I'm having issues with OPENMPI and that is the step that the MPI libraries are compiled.

Basically during compilation, it gives errors such as "cannof find -lPstream" or "cannot find -lfoam".

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Old   February 12, 2014, 09:01
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Shang-Gui Cai
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Hi Alex, because OpenMPI is pre-installed at the step 1-"sudo zypper install openmpi-devel", and we use the system installed OpenMPI, therefore, stage 2 is not necessary. Could you please paste your first error of your installation here?
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Old   March 12, 2014, 00:05
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Alex Chan
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Sorry for the late reply! So I actually was able to compile correctly by simply changing the OPENMPI to SYSTEMOPENMPI like so:

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Old   May 26, 2015, 12:22
Default installation of foam-1.6-extend on OS 13.1 64-bits
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Hello captain,

I received some tutorials dealing with poroelasticity/deformation which were compiled under OF-1.6x and I would like to run.
I am not a Linux-guru and unfortunately I could not find any hints on the installation of OF-1.6xunder OpenSuse 13.1 64-bits.
Do you think I can go along the smooth installation for foam-3.0-extend hints you kindly provided and get a smooth installation of foam-1.6-extend ?

Best regards from Germany

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foam-extend-3.0, openfoam-1.6-ext, opensuse 12.2 64-bits, opensuse 13.1 64-bits

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