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[] Error: cannot find qmake either at $QMAKE_PATH or in current $PATH

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Old   June 5, 2012, 05:11
Default Error: cannot find qmake either at $QMAKE_PATH or in current $PATH
Join Date: May 2010
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achinta is on a distinguished road
Hi All,
I am trring to install OF 2.1.1 on red hat linux(64 bit)-source pack installation. I have few questions.

1) Instead of adding "source $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.1.1/etc/bashrc" to $HOME/.bashrc ,i directly executed "source HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.1.1/etc/bashrc" from HOME directory. Is it okay or does it cause any problems?

2) I went to "HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.1.1" and executed ./Allwmake. It took lot of time to build (more than 5 hours) Is this normal time? I have read a thread which states that using one core it takes more time (around 2.5 hours) . But its taking too much time in my case. Did I do anything wrong?

3) I went to "HOME/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-2.1.1" and executed ./makeParaView .
It gave an error
line 36: wmakeCheckPwd: command not found
Error: Current directory is not $WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR
The environment variables are inconsistent with the installation.
Check the OpenFOAM entries in your dot-files and source them.
So I repeated "source $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.1.1/etc/bashrc". Then I tried ./makeParaView. It gave this error: "Error: cannot find qmake either at $QMAKE_PATH or in current $PATH" What could be the reason?

I am not good with Linux and installing with source pack for the first time. Please let me know if there is any easy method of source pack installation.

Kind regards,
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Old   June 5, 2012, 05:28
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Hi again,
Btw, when i run *foamInstallationTest* it says
Executing /......./OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.1.1/bin/foamInstallationTest:

Checking basic setup...
Shell: ksh
Host: cubad10208
OS: Linux version 2.6.9-67.ELsmp

Checking main OpenFOAM env variables...
Environment_variable Set_to_file_or_directory Valid Crit
$WM_PROJECT_INST_DIR /gt/home/h112812/OpenFOAM yes yes
$WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR /gt/home/h112812/OpenFOAM/h112812-2.1.1 no no

Checking the OpenFOAM env variables set on the PATH...
Environment_variable Set_to_file_or_directory Valid Path Crit
$WM_PROJECT_DIR /gt/home/h112812/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.1.1 yes yes yes

$FOAM_APPBIN ...-2.1.1/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/bin yes yes yes
$FOAM_SITE_APPBIN .../2.1.1/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/bin no no
$FOAM_USER_APPBIN ...-2.1.1/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/bin no no
$WM_DIR ...112812/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.1.1/wmake yes yes yes

Checking the OpenFOAM env variables set on the LD_LIBRARY_PATH...
Environment_variable Set_to_file_or_directory Valid Path Crit
$FOAM_LIBBIN ...-2.1.1/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib yes yes yes
$FOAM_SITE_LIBBIN .../2.1.1/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib no no
$FOAM_USER_LIBBIN ...-2.1.1/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib no no
$MPI_ARCH_PATH ...1/platforms/linux64Gcc/openmpi-1.5.3 yes yes yes

Third party software
Software Version Location
flex /usr/bin/flex
gcc 4.4.4 /gt/home/h112812/localApp/gcc-4.4.4/bin/gcc
gzip 1.3.3 /usr/bin/gzip
tar 1.14 /bin/tar
icoFoam 2.1.1 ...M/OpenFOAM-2.1.1/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/bin/icoFoam

Base configuration ok.
Critical systems ok.


Does it not say everything is fine?

Kind regards,
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Old   June 5, 2012, 06:18
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OpenFoam has been installed correctly. I ran icofoam/cavity tutorial case using "blockMesh" and "icoFoam" commands. It works.... Only the "paraFoam"command is not working since paraView is not installed due to "qmake" problem.

I read the thread " ".

It says " The quickest solution is to install ParaView 3.8.1 that Fedora 14 has in its repository and then follow point #7 from this blog post: Using the official pre-built ParaView 3.8.0 version with OpenFOAM...
This way you can use ParaView's built-in plug-in for reading OpenFOAM's case data format, without the need to spend any more time building ParaView and/or Qt and therefore get to the good stuff of using OpenFOAM "

Does it mean paraView 3.12.0 is not compatible with red hat Linux? Aren't there major differences between 3.8.1 and 3.12.0? Since i am installing from the scratch, I would like to have the latest one

Kind regards,

Last edited by achinta; June 5, 2012 at 06:36. Reason: improvement
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Old   June 5, 2012, 06:27
Eysteinn Helgason
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Originally Posted by achinta View Post
1) Instead of adding "source $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.1.1/etc/bashrc" to $HOME/.bashrc ,i directly executed "source HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.1.1/etc/bashrc" from HOME directory. Is it okay or does it cause any problems?
As long as you type: source $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.1.1/etc/bashrc i.e. including the $ sign it will be the same.

Originally Posted by achinta View Post
2) I went to "HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.1.1" and executed ./Allwmake. It took lot of time to build (more than 5 hours) Is this normal time? I have read a thread which states that using one core it takes more time (around 2.5 hours) . But its taking too much time in my case. Did I do anything wrong?
It is often useful to go to the ThirdParty folder and compile all the stages separately in the beginning, just to see that everything compiles there before going to the OpenFOAM folder. But the way you did should also work.

Originally Posted by achinta View Post
3) I went to "HOME/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-2.1.1" and executed ./makeParaView .
It gave an error
line 36: wmakeCheckPwd: command not found
Error: Current directory is not $WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR
The environment variables are inconsistent with the installation.
Check the OpenFOAM entries in your dot-files and source them.
So I repeated "source $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.1.1/etc/bashrc". Then I tried ./makeParaView. It gave this error: "Error: cannot find qmake either at $QMAKE_PATH or in current $PATH" What could be the reason?
post #74 here has some suggestions which you could try.
If you have paraview already installed (that is not through openfoam ) you should also be able to use that. Just create a .foam file in your case directory which you open with your installed paraview.
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Old   June 6, 2012, 01:48
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Hi Eysteinn,
Thank you very much for the reply. I don't have paraview installed already and I want to have the latest one. I guess the error is because of missing software packages (gt or gcc??) and not because of improper installation of OpenFoam/ environment variables(Please correct me if i am wrong). I will try some methods to solve the problem.

Kind regards,
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Old   June 8, 2012, 11:27
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Hello everyone,
I am working to fix the qmake problem. I am trying to install paraview 3.12.0. I came across old posts which told us to add qmake to our environment variables like:

export PATH*******
But I don't see any
qt-x11-opensource-src-4.3.5 directory in my ThirdParty-2.1.1 folder. I am confused as I am new to Linux. Should I install something?

How can find qmake on my system and how should i specify the path of qmake

Kind regards,
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Old   June 8, 2012, 18:37
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Hi Achinta,

I'm a bit lost in this thread, so I'll reply based on your last post:
Best regards,
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