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[blastFoam] Implementation and Validation of New Equations of State (EOS)

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Old   March 17, 2020, 10:37
Post Implementation and Validation of New Equations of State (EOS)
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Tim Brewer
Join Date: Jan 2020
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The Synthetik Applied Technologies team is excited to announce the implementation and validation of three new Equations of State (EOS) as part of our free and open-source CFD airblast code blastFoam.

1. LSZK: the derivatives required to calculate sound speed are always positive, which is not true for the popular JWL EOS.
2. BKW: can explicitly represent temperature (unlike the JWL EoS), and due to its physical basis, provides good agreement in high-, mid-, and low-pressure regimes.
3. Doan-Nickel: can account for nitrogen and oxygen excitation and ionization in air, which can have significant impacts on calculation accuracy (up to 60%), especially in high-pressure regimes (greater than 250 psi, 1,725kPa)

You can read more about the unique benefits of each of these EOS on our website at the link below.

blastFoam development is currently being funded by a US Government Contractor, and the free, open-source, public release code is available for download on GitHub.

Learn more about the Equations of State in this article:

blastFoam is available for free download here:

Synthetik YouTube Channel:

1. Lutsky, M.: The Flow Behind a Spherical Detonation in TNT using the Landau-Stanyukovich Equation of State for Detonation Products, NOL-TR 64–40. U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, White Oak, Maryland (1965)
2. Laurence E. Fried and P. Clark Souers, “BKWC: An empirical BKW parametrization based on cylinder test data,” Propellants, Explosives, and Pyrotechnics, Oct, 1996.
3. Doan, L. R., Nickel, G. H.: A subroutine for the equation of state of air. RTD (WLR) TN63–2. Air Force Weapons Laboratory, (1963)
4. Hilsenrath, J., Green, M.S., Beckett, C.W.: Thermodynamic Properties of Highly Ionized air, SWC-TR-56-35. National Bureau of Standards, Washington D.C. (1957)

#blastFoam #blast #OpenFOAM #opensource #EquationOfState
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blastfoam, equation of state, explosion, openfoam, opensource

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