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June 30, 2019, 17:10 |
LaminarSMOKE compilation error
#1 |
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Hafiz Ahmad
Join Date: May 2019
Location: Brunei
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When I was trying to compile one of the solvers in laminarSMOKE, I encountered this error.
hafiz@linux-hjxb:~/laminarSMOKE/solvers/laminarBuoyantSimpleSMOKE> wmake wmakeLnIncludeAll: running wmakeLnInclude on dependent libraries: unknown option: '-I../../libs/radiationOpenSMOKE++/lnInclude' Usage: wmakeLnInclude [OPTION] dir options: -update | -u update -silent | -s use 'silent' mode (do not echo command) -help | -h print the usage Link all the source files in the <dir> into <dir>/lnInclude Note The '-u' option forces an update when the lnInclude directory already exists and changes the default linking from 'ln -s' to 'ln -sf'. wmakeLnInclude error: base directory \ does not exist Making dependency list for source file laminarBuoyantSimpleSMOKE.C could not open file fvIOoptionList.H for source file laminarBuoyantSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file Grammar_PolimiSoot_Analyzer.h for source file laminarBuoyantSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file OpenSMOKE_PolimiSoot_Analyzer.hpp for source file laminarBuoyantSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory . . . -Wl,--start-group /opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_lp64.a /opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/libmkl_core.a /opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/libmkl_sequential.a -Wl,--end-group -lpthread -lm -lboost_date_time -lboost_filesystem -lboost_system -lboost_regex -lOpenFOAM -ldl \ -lm -o /home/hafiz/OpenFOAM/hafiz-6/platforms/linux64GccDPInt64Opt/bin/laminarBuoyantSimpleSMOKE /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/7/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lISATLib4OpenFOAM collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [/home/hafiz/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-6/wmake/makefiles/general:142: /home/hafiz/OpenFOAM/hafiz-6/platforms/linux64GccDPInt64Opt/bin/laminarBuoyantSimpleSMOKE] Error 1 Code:
hafiz@linux-hjxb:~/laminarSMOKE/libs/radiationOpenSMOKE++> wmake wmakeLnInclude: linking include files to ./lnInclude Making dependency list for source file OpenSMOKEgreyDiffusiveViewFactorFixedValueFvPatchScalarField.C Making dependency list for source file radiationCoupledBase.C Making dependency list for source file OpenSMOKEwideBandDiffusiveRadiationMixedFvPatchScalarField.C Making dependency list for source file OpenSMOKEgreyDiffusiveRadiationMixedFvPatchScalarField.C Making dependency list for source file OpenSMOKEMarshakRadiationFixedTemperatureFvPatchScalarField.C Making dependency list for source file OpenSMOKEMarshakRadiationFvPatchScalarField.C Making dependency list for source file wideBandAbsorptionEmission.C . . . Make/linux64GccDPInt64Opt/derivedFvPatchFields/greyDiffusiveViewFactor/OpenSMOKEgreyDiffusiveViewFactorFixedValueFvPatchScalarField.o -L/home/hafiz/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-6/platforms/linux64GccDPInt64Opt/lib \ -lfiniteVolume -lmeshTools -o /home/hafiz/OpenFOAM/hafiz-6/platforms/linux64GccDPInt64Opt/lib/libradiationOpenSMOKE++.so hafiz@linux-hjxb:~/laminarSMOKE/libs/radiationOpenSMOKE++> |
December 6, 2019, 10:23 |
#2 |
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Join Date: Aug 2019
Location: Germany
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Have you been able to solve your problem? I have the exact same problem with a different library/solver combination.
Able to compile library, able to create solver with a new name, but as soon as I want to add the library to the solver it stops working and prints a similar error. |
December 14, 2019, 05:19 |
#3 |
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Hafiz Ahmad
Join Date: May 2019
Location: Brunei
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the message doesn't really mean anything. you could still run the case as per usual you should try testing the test cases.
sorry for the late reply, I'm not always online. but I'll try to help as much as I could |
May 19, 2020, 23:00 |
#4 |
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qian yao
Join Date: May 2020
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hi mdhfiz
can you give me some details about how to compile laminarSMOKE or flametSMOKE. what does "adjust the paths to the Intel MKL library" mean (https://github.com/acuoci/flameletSMOKE). for optional Intel MKL library, should i download it first? |
May 23, 2021, 11:30 |
solver compilation error.
#5 |
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Manish Singh
Join Date: Nov 2020
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foam@MANISH:/mnt/f/Laminarsmoke++/laminarSMOKE-master/solvers/laminarSimpleSMOKE$ wmake
wmakeLnIncludeAll: running wmakeLnInclude on dependent libraries: unknown option: '-I../../libs/radiationOpenSMOKE++/lnInclude' Usage: wmakeLnInclude [OPTION] dir options: -update | -u update -silent | -s use 'silent' mode (do not echo command) -help | -h print the usage Link all the source files in the <dir> into <dir>/lnInclude Note The '-u' option forces an update when the lnInclude directory already exists and changes the default linking from 'ln -s' to 'ln -sf'. wmakeLnInclude error: base directory \ does not exist Making dependency list for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C could not open file fvIOoptionList.H for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file Grammar_PolimiSoot_Analyzer.h for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file OpenSMOKE_PolimiSoot_Analyzer.hpp for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file OpenSMOKE_Dictionary.h for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file OpenSMOKE_DictionaryManager.h for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file math.h for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file LookupTable.h for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file Grammar_VirtualChemistry.h for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file VirtualChemistry.hpp for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file ReactionPolicy_CHEMKIN.hpp for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file ThermodynamicsMap.h for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file ThermodynamicsMap_CHEMKIN.hpp for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file TransportPropertiesMap.h for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file TransportPropertiesMap_CHEMKIN.hpp for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file KineticsMap.h for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file TransportPropertiesMap_CHEMKIN.h for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file StoichiometricMap.h for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file JacobianSparsityPatternMap.h for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file KineticsMap_CHEMKIN.hpp for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file Core for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file LU for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file Cholesky for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file QR for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file SVD for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file Geometry for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file Eigenvalues for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file readOptions_ISAT.H for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file memoryAllocation_ISAT.H for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file lis_config.h for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file lis_config_win.h for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file lis.h for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file Species.hpp for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file AtomicComposition.h for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file ThermoPolicy_CHEMKIN.hpp for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file ThermoReader.hpp for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file ThermoReaderPolicy_CHEMKIN.hpp for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file TransportPolicy_CHEMKIN.hpp for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file TransportReader.hpp for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file TransportReaderPolicy_CHEMKIN.hpp for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file OpenSMOKEStdInclude.h for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file OpenSMOKEBaseClass.h for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file OpenSMOKEUtilities.h for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file OpenSMOKEFunctions.h for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file OpenSMOKEVector.hpp for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory could not open file KineticsUtilityFunctions.hpp for source file laminarSimpleSMOKE.C due to No such file or directory g++ -std=c++11 -m64 -Dlinux64 -DWM_ARCH_OPTION=64 -DWM_DP -DWM_LABEL_SIZE=32 -Wall -Wextra -Wold-style-cast -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-invalid-offsetof -Wno-attributes -O3 -DNoRepository -ftemplate-depth-100 -DOPENFOAM_VERSION=60 -w -DOPENSMOKE_USE_MKL=0 -DOPENSMOKE_USE_ISAT=0 -DDEVVERSION=1 -I../laminarSMOKE -I../laminarSMOKE/steady -I../../libs/radiationOpenSMOKE++/lnInclude -I../openSMOKEpp4laminarSMOKE/ -I/home/Laminarsmoke++/boost_1_76_0/include -I/home/Laminarsmoke++/eigen-3.4-rc1 -I/mnt/f/Laminarsmoke++/rapidxml/rapidxml-master -I/include -I/include -I/ -I/opt/openfoam6/src/finiteVolume/lnInclude -I/opt/openfoam6/src/fvOptions/lnInclude -I/opt/openfoam6/src/meshTools/lnInclude -I/opt/openfoam6/src/sampling/lnInclude -I/opt/openfoam6/src/thermophysicalModels/basic/lnInclude -IlnInclude -I. -I/opt/openfoam6/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude -I/opt/openfoam6/src/OSspecific/POSIX/lnInclude -fPIC -c laminarSimpleSMOKE.C -o Make/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/laminarSimpleSMOKE.o g++ -std=c++11 -m64 -Dlinux64 -DWM_ARCH_OPTION=64 -DWM_DP -DWM_LABEL_SIZE=32 -Wall -Wextra -Wold-style-cast -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-invalid-offsetof -Wno-attributes -O3 -DNoRepository -ftemplate-depth-100 -DOPENFOAM_VERSION=60 -w -DOPENSMOKE_USE_MKL=0 -DOPENSMOKE_USE_ISAT=0 -DDEVVERSION=1 -I../laminarSMOKE -I../laminarSMOKE/steady -I../../libs/radiationOpenSMOKE++/lnInclude -I../openSMOKEpp4laminarSMOKE/ -I/home/Laminarsmoke++/boost_1_76_0/include -I/home/Laminarsmoke++/eigen-3.4-rc1 -I/mnt/f/Laminarsmoke++/rapidxml/rapidxml-master -I/include -I/include -I/ -I/opt/openfoam6/src/finiteVolume/lnInclude -I/opt/openfoam6/src/fvOptions/lnInclude -I/opt/openfoam6/src/meshTools/lnInclude -I/opt/openfoam6/src/sampling/lnInclude -I/opt/openfoam6/src/thermophysicalModels/basic/lnInclude -IlnInclude -I. -I/opt/openfoam6/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude -I/opt/openfoam6/src/OSspecific/POSIX/lnInclude -fPIC -Xlinker --add-needed -Xlinker --no-as-needed Make/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/laminarSimpleSMOKE.o -L/opt/openfoam6/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib \ -L/home/foam/OpenFOAM/foam-6/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib -L/home/Laminarsmoke++/boost_1_76_0/lib -lradiationOpenSMOKE++ -lfiniteVolume -lfvOptions -lmeshTools -lsampling -lgfortran -lboost_date_time -lboost_filesystem -lboost_system -lboost_regex -lOpenFOAM -ldl \ -lm -o /home/foam/OpenFOAM/foam-6/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/bin/laminarSimpleSMOKE /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgfortran /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_filesystem /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_regex collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status /opt/openfoam6/wmake/makefiles/general:140: recipe for target '/home/foam/OpenFOAM/foam-6/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/bin/laminarSimpleSMOKE' failed make: *** [/home/foam/OpenFOAM/foam-6/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/bin/laminarSimpleSMOKE] Error 1 |
May 23, 2021, 11:33 |
#6 | |
New Member
Manish Singh
Join Date: Nov 2020
Posts: 3
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If anyone can help, that would be really helpful. I am in urgent need to get it done. |
March 22, 2022, 09:52 |
#7 |
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Join Date: Nov 2021
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Did anyone get this error fixed?
October 4, 2022, 14:57 |
CHeck for the path of libraries
#8 |
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Chitturi B S S N D V V R Santhosh Kumar
Join Date: Oct 2022
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You should install the gfortran. Use the following two codes in the terminal respectively.
sudo apt-get install gfortran sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev This might solve your issue. Last edited by santhoshkumarchitturi; October 4, 2022 at 15:01. Reason: Rechecking the question |
July 2, 2024, 11:32 |
#9 |
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Join Date: Dec 2011
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fvIOoptionList.H has a new name : fvOptionList.H
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