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[openSmoke] LaminarSMOKE - Missing profiling.H

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Old   May 16, 2019, 17:11
Smile LaminarSMOKE - Missing profiling.H
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Hafiz Ahmad
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Recently, I am trying to install LaminarSMOKE (built under OpenFOAM framework) but it seems that when I was trying to compile a file of LaminarSMOKE - "boundaryConditionsOpenSMOKE++", this was printed: "make *** No rule to make target '~/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-6/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude/profiling.H', needed by Make/linux64GccDPInt640pt/backwardDiffusion/baclwardDiffusionFvPatchScalarField.C.dep'. Stop."

I referred to several threads and I can't seem to find the problem why. All I'm sure is the file profiling.H is missing and it's a missing from OF. I have checked my installation by using "icoFoam -help" and it printed details of OF. I am using OF 6.

My question is, could there be something wrong with my installation that profiling.H file is missing in my OF? Thanks!
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Old   May 16, 2019, 19:36
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Bruno Santos
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Quick answer: Depends on when you downloaded the laminarSMOKE source code, because it looks like they have recently starting to add support for OpenFOAM versions from OpenCFD at Furthermore, it's only in the versions from that "profiling.H" exists, because the versions from the OpenFOAM Foundation do not have this feature.

So, the quickest solution that might work, but I haven't tested, is that you checkout a slightly older version of laminarSMOKE from the Git repository, by running these commands from inside the main source code folder for laminarSMOKE:
wclean all
git checkout 1c19a021638bbb2286bf596d0c425b672c5d6b93 -b lastCommitOF6
With luck, this works as intended, since it was the last commit that strictly supported OpenFOAM 6.

If this works, then please report the issue you have gotten on the Issue tracker for this project:
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Old   May 17, 2019, 14:33
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Hafiz Ahmad
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I followed your advice and ran "wclean all" inside the main folder of LaminarSMOKE source folder. After that, out of curiosity, I ran "wmake" and the error did not show up and it was compiled. I'm not sure what happened and how that solve the problem.

After that I compiled each of the solver and I received the following:

wmakeLnIncludeAll: running wmakeLnInclude on dependent libraries:
    unknown option: '-I../../libs/radiationOpenSMOKE++/lnInclude'

Usage: wmakeLnInclude [OPTION] dir

  -update | -u      update
  -silent | -s      use 'silent' mode (do not echo command)
  -help   | -h      print the usage

    Link all the source files in the <dir> into <dir>/lnInclude

    The '-u' option forces an update when the lnInclude directory already exists
    and changes the default linking from 'ln -s' to 'ln -sf'.

    wmakeLnInclude error: base directory \ does not exist
This was the file that I managed to compile earlier. It also tried to make dependency list for source file but no such file was found:

Making dependency list for source file laminarSMOKEpostProcessor.C
could not open file AtomicComposition.h for source file laminarSMOKEpostProcessor.C due to No such file or directory
could not open file ThermoPolicy_CHEMKIN.hpp for source file laminarSMOKEpostProcessor.C due to No such file or directory
could not open file ReactionPolicy_CHEMKIN.hpp for source file laminarSMOKEpostProcessor.C due to No such file or directory
For validation, I tried one of the tutorials (with little expectation) and this pop up:

Fatal error:  The ../../../../kinetic-mechanisms/GLOBAL_H2_1step/kinetics/kinetics.xml file does not exist
Press enter to exit...
I know there are a few errors here and there but I think the root of the problem lies at:

wmakeLnIncludeAll: running wmakeLnInclude on dependent libraries:
    unknown option: '-I../../libs/radiationOpenSMOKE++/lnInclude'
I'm slightly confused on how this error came up. I checked the directory and it seems to be there. I hope I can run this software soon. (I was not sure if I should've create a new thread because it's still the same installation process). Thanks for the help btw!

Last edited by wyldckat; May 18, 2019 at 14:08. Reason: Added [CODE][/CODE] markers
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Old   May 18, 2019, 14:13
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wyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to all
Quick questions:
  1. Which exact steps did you take to try and build this toolkit?
  2. I ask this because it depends on which "mybashrc.*" file you modified, how you modified it and how you then used it. Because at the very top of this file is the need to identify which OpenFOAM version you're using.
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Old   May 18, 2019, 16:56
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Hafiz Ahmad
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1. I followed the steps from README text as far as I could.
2. I'm using mybashrc.minimalist file.

Let me elaborate what 1. more:
(a) First, I get into the source file of LaminarSMOKE.
(b) Chose mybashrc.minimalist and adjusted the paths and also the OF version.
(c) Get into terminal and set things up to OF environment by alias "of6".
(d) source mybashrc.minimalist.
(e) compiled both boundaryConditionsOpenSMOKE++ and radiationOpenSMOKE++ by wmake.
(f) compiled the solvers by wmake.
(g) compiled the checkin pre-processor by wmake.

This is mybashrc.minimalist (Only including what I had changed.)

#OpenFOAM VERSION (22, 23, 24, 30, 40, 50, 60, 1000)
#dev version is equivalent to >= 1000

#If OpenFOAM dev version is used, this must be equal to 1

#Compulsory path
export EIGEN_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/hafiz/Documents/eigen-eigen-323c052e1731/
export BOOST_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/include/boost
export RAPIDXML_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/include/rapidxml

I set DDEVVERSION to 1 because apparently for OF6 it should be 1. Setting it to 0 won't compile the libraries.

Thanks for the help there btw. Appreciate the help.. I know its the weekend!
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Old   June 11, 2020, 15:15
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How did you fix the issue as I am trying to compile laminarSMOKE with of6 as wel?

are you sure that this is the correct way -DOPENFOAM_VERSION=60?
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laminarsmoke, openfoam, profiling.h

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