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[PyFoam] Purpose of the MetaServer and connecting to running simulations in a network

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Old   February 19, 2019, 06:45
Default Purpose of the MetaServer and connecting to running simulations in a network
New Member
Chris Coutinho
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 28
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I am running a number of OpenFOAM simulations in parallel as part of a parameter study, and handling them individually using the PyFoam utility. I need to connect to them remotely, and from the documentation this should be possible using a 'MetaServer'. This seems great because then I can manage the simulations through a single service, or at least, I think that's why the server exists. That being said, I'm running into some issues.

First off, the server itself is not python3 compatible - it raises a SyntaxError using Python 3.6:

$ --help
  File "/home/chris/.local/bin/", line 22
    except OSError, e:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Is there somewhere I can report this as a bug (e.g github issue)?

Also, from the wiki/release notes, it seems that the MetaServer has been made obsolete (, but I can't find any information about how to connect to and/or manage a number of simulations that are connected via the alternative:

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