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[waves2Foam] trying to modify the waveFlume tutorial by changing the geometry and inlet

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Old   July 9, 2014, 09:06
Default trying to modify the waveFlume tutorial by changing the geometry and inlet
New Member
Dmitrijs Gavrilovs-Stepanovs
Join Date: Jun 2014
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Good afternoon everyone,
Hopefully you all are having a good summer and I was wondering if you could help me with the following problem.
I am trying to modify the waveFlume tutorial by changing the geometry (increasing the domain) and wave inlet conditions. Everything runs OK, but when I view it in paraFoam, the wave flume stops at certain point in the tank as if there is a relaxation zone. If I change the period to larger value, then the wavelength becomes longer and waves reach the relaxation zone I set up at the outlet, however, I need to use a lower value of period. Here is my waveProperties.input file:

seaLevel 0.00;

// A list of the relaxation zones in the simulation. The parameters are given
// in <name>Coeffs below.
relaxationNames (inlet outlet);

initializationName outlet;

// Wave type to be used at boundary "inlet" and in relaxation zone "inlet"
waveType stokesFirst;

// Ramp time of 2 s
Tsoft 2;

// Water depth at the boundary and in the relaxation zone
depth 1.0;

// Wave period
period 1.0;

// Phase shift in the wave
phi 0.000000;

// Wave number vector, k.
direction (1.0 0.0 0.0);

// Wave height
height 0.033;

// Specifications on the relaxation zone shape and relaxation scheme
relaxationScheme Spatial;
relaxationShape Rectangular;
beachType Empty;

relaxType INLET;
startX (0 0.0 -1);
endX (3 0.0 1);
orientation (1.0 0.0 0.0);

waveType potentialCurrent;
U (0 0 0);
Tsoft 2;

relaxationScheme Spatial;
relaxationShape Rectangular;
beachType Empty;

relaxType OUTLET;
startX (14.408 0.0 -1);
endX (17.965 0.0 1);
orientation (1.0 0.0 0.0);

I do not know whether there is something wrong with the relaxation zones (the dimensions of them) or the value of wave height and period are too small for this domain, so I thought someone could help me to understand what is wrong.
Thank you in advance!
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Old   July 9, 2014, 17:53
Senior Member
Niels Gjoel Jacobsen
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ngj will become famous soon enoughngj will become famous soon enough
Good evening,

@Dimitrijs: Please read this thread carefully: (Hint: You have by far given enough information for anyone to help you).

Kind regards,

Please note that I do not use the Friend-feature, so do not be offended, if I do not accept a request.

Last edited by wyldckat; October 8, 2018 at 11:16. Reason: removed answer to another post that was on the main thread
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