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[waves2Foam] how to build a time-dependent wave input under wave2Foam

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Old   September 29, 2014, 23:41
Default how to build a time-dependent wave input under wave2Foam
Albert Tong
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Perth, WA, Australia
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Dear Niels and everyone,

Could you please comment on how to build a time-dependent wave input under wave2Foam, such as a wave group or wave pocket as shown bellow? Thank you very much (sorry if this has been covered in this thread or anywhere else, and in that case a link would be much appreciated).
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File Type: jpg wavePocket.jpg (27.8 KB, 56 views)
Kind regards,

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Old   September 30, 2014, 03:48
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Niels Gjoel Jacobsen
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Good morning Albert,

It puzzles me a bit that you consider a wave package more time varying than other waves, but besides that you have two options:

1. Use the focusing functionality for the phases for the generation of irregular waves. (see: waves2Foam/src/waves2Foam/waveTheories/irregular/ and

2. Create a new wave theory that is based on the wanted algebraic formulation. You could e.g. start from the template placed in waves2Foam/doc/templateWaveTheory and use the script as follows:

./makeNewWaveTheory albertsWave
Here, "albertsWave" will be the future name of the wave theory in e.g. waveProperties.input. Note, that this template does not (currently) create a matching setWaveProperties file, but you might want to pre-compute some variables. The setWaveProperties-classes are located in waves2Foam/src/waves2FoamProcessing/preProcessing/setWaveProperties and follows the same code structure as the wave theories.

Good luck,

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Old   September 30, 2014, 06:46
Albert Tong
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Originally Posted by ngj View Post
Good morning Albert,

It puzzles me a bit that you consider a wave package more time varying than other waves, but besides that you have two options:

1. Use the focusing functionality for the phases for the generation of irregular waves. (see: waves2Foam/src/waves2Foam/waveTheories/irregular/ and

2. Create a new wave theory that is based on the wanted algebraic formulation. You could e.g. start from the template placed in waves2Foam/doc/templateWaveTheory and use the script as follows:

./makeNewWaveTheory albertsWave
Here, "albertsWave" will be the future name of the wave theory in e.g. waveProperties.input. Note, that this template does not (currently) create a matching setWaveProperties file, but you might want to pre-compute some variables. The setWaveProperties-classes are located in waves2Foam/src/waves2FoamProcessing/preProcessing/setWaveProperties and follows the same code structure as the wave theories.

Good luck,

Hi Niels,

Many thanks for your prompt reply. I am interested in wake pocket as I am planing to simulate extreme waves and in the same time to save computational effort.

I will try to see if I have any luck. Thank you.
Kind regards,

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