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[waves2Foam] Implicit Coupling

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Old   November 12, 2014, 11:08
Default Implicit Coupling
New Member
G Grewal
Join Date: Aug 2010
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gsg001 is on a distinguished road
Hi ngj,

After reading H Jasak's document[1] where they have taken waves to foam and implicitly coupled it to navalFoam, I began experimenting if this was possible using waveFoam.

The main difference I found was that they[2] add the following line to UEqn.h
" ==
- alpha1*fvm::Sp(beach.damping(), U)"
while you add relaxation.correct() and interface.correct() to waveFoam.C.

I tried modifying the UEqn.h in wave foam as follows
" ==
- alpha1*fvm::Sp(relaxationZone.targetVelocityField( ), U)"

It spits up "error: expected primary-expression before '.' token." I am guessing the way it is written relaxationZone.H is not callable from within UEqn.H

The reason for trying to modify the solver to implicit is to allow the simulation to run at a Courant No of 25 -100. waves2Foam fails to make the correct wave at higher courant Numbers despite switching courantCorrection ON.

Thanks in advance

[2] navalFoamVariant2
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Old   November 13, 2014, 03:51
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Niels Gjoel Jacobsen
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ngj will become famous soon enoughngj will become famous soon enough
Good morning,

Note that the version of navalFoam that you are looking at is not with the implicit relaxation zone technique. The approach by Hrv is very different from the simple addition of a numerical beach.

The numerical beach is available in waves2Foam, but it has never been populated with actual functionality. Therefore, it is likely that I will retire it in the future.

You are looking at the right place in the code to obtain the implicit relaxation, but you are not using the right equations. I am not aware, whether these equations have been published by Hrv. I do have a working version of the implicit relaxation, but it will not be coming out any time in the near future.

Furthermore, note that the wave propagation in itself is very diffusive, so it could be that you only gain dissipation of the wave energy by using larger Courant numbers.

Kind regards,

Please note that I do not use the Friend-feature, so do not be offended, if I do not accept a request.
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