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[waves2Foam] calculate drag coefficient in postProcessing

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Old   February 10, 2017, 07:06
Default calculate drag coefficient in postProcessing
mo_na's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2016
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Dear all,

I am trying to calculate the drag coefficient for a body, that is doing a pitch motion in regular waves. (I attached a sketch to give you an idea of the setup.)

Drag coefficient: cd=2*Fd/(rho*U*|U|*A)
Fd: Drag force, calculated with forces function
A: reference area
rho: density

I figured that I can't use the forceCoeffs function, because U is not the free stream velocity in this case, but the relative velocity between the body and the fluid particles.
So the velocity I need here is U=u(t)-v(t), where u(t) is the flow velocity in drag direction (x) and v(t) the velocity of the body, also in x-direction. (Please correct me if I am wrong here)

Now I am wondering if any of you have some advice how to obtain those two values.

This value varies throughout the flow filed around the body, so should I set several probes and then take an average value or try to pick a characteristic point?

I am already outputting the angular velocity omega of the body. With v=omega*radius I will obtain the tangential velocity. But how can I obtain the x-component from that?

My plan is to calculate cd(t) in postprocessing with all these above values.
Any suggestions on how to do this are very appreciated!

Attached Images
File Type: png dynamicmesh.png (39.4 KB, 11 views)
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