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[PyFoam] Merge and Stitch meshes using pyFoam libraries

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Old   February 19, 2018, 08:04
Default Merge and Stitch meshes using pyFoam libraries
Shailesh BG
Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: Bangalore
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Hello Foamers,

Newbie to python and pyFoam, I am looking to automate my simulation using pyFoam libraries.
Problem Statement: I have two different bodies which I have meshed but I want to merge and then stitch the two meshes.

The meshing of my two regions muscle and tissue is successful:
# Muscle Meshing
orig = SolutionDirectory(path.expandvars("muscle"), archive=None, paraviewLink=False)
work = orig.cloneCase("muscle1")

blockRun = BasicRunner(argv=["blockMesh", "-case",], silent=True, server=False, writeState=False)
if not blockRun.runOK():
    error("There was a problem with blockMesh")

snapRun = BasicRunner(argv=["snappyHexMesh", "-case",], silent=True, server=False, writeState=False)
if not snapRun.runOK():
    error("There was a problem with snappyHexMesh")

# Tissue Meshing
orig = SolutionDirectory(path.expandvars("tissue"), archive=None, paraviewLink=False)
work = orig.cloneCase("tissue1")

blockRun = BasicRunner(argv=["blockMesh", "-case",], silent=True, server=False, writeState=False)
if not blockRun.runOK():
    error("There was a problem with blockMesh")

snapRun = BasicRunner(argv=["snappyHexMesh", "-case",], silent=True, server=False, writeState=False)
if not snapRun.runOK():
    error("There was a problem with snappyHexMesh")
The bash equivalent of what I want to do:
runApplication mergeMeshes -overwrite . ../tissue/              # Merge tissue mesh onto the muscle mesh
runApplication stitchMesh -partial -toleranceDict toleranceDict -overwrite muscle_ext muscle_int   # partial stitch muscle patches per tolerance
cd 0
rm  meshPhi                           # remove meshPhi
cd ..
rm log.*                             # remove current merge and stitch logs
cd constant/polyMesh/                # move to constant polymesh to remove current zones
rm *Zones                            # remove all current zone files
rm meshModifiers                     # remove mesh modifiers
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Old   February 25, 2018, 12:56
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Bernhard Gschaider
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Originally Posted by shaileshbg View Post
Hello Foamers,

Newbie to python and pyFoam, I am looking to automate my simulation using pyFoam libraries.
Problem Statement: I have two different bodies which I have meshed but I want to merge and then stitch the two meshes.

The meshing of my two regions muscle and tissue is successful:
# Muscle Meshing
orig = SolutionDirectory(path.expandvars("muscle"), archive=None, paraviewLink=False)
work = orig.cloneCase("muscle1")

blockRun = BasicRunner(argv=["blockMesh", "-case",], silent=True, server=False, writeState=False)
if not blockRun.runOK():
    error("There was a problem with blockMesh")

snapRun = BasicRunner(argv=["snappyHexMesh", "-case",], silent=True, server=False, writeState=False)
if not snapRun.runOK():
    error("There was a problem with snappyHexMesh")

# Tissue Meshing
orig = SolutionDirectory(path.expandvars("tissue"), archive=None, paraviewLink=False)
work = orig.cloneCase("tissue1")

blockRun = BasicRunner(argv=["blockMesh", "-case",], silent=True, server=False, writeState=False)
if not blockRun.runOK():
    error("There was a problem with blockMesh")

snapRun = BasicRunner(argv=["snappyHexMesh", "-case",], silent=True, server=False, writeState=False)
if not snapRun.runOK():
    error("There was a problem with snappyHexMesh")
The bash equivalent of what I want to do:
runApplication mergeMeshes -overwrite . ../tissue/              # Merge tissue mesh onto the muscle mesh
runApplication stitchMesh -partial -toleranceDict toleranceDict -overwrite muscle_ext muscle_int   # partial stitch muscle patches per tolerance
cd 0
rm  meshPhi                           # remove meshPhi
cd ..
rm log.*                             # remove current merge and stitch logs
cd constant/polyMesh/                # move to constant polymesh to remove current zones
rm *Zones                            # remove all current zone files
rm meshModifiers                     # remove mesh modifiers
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You mean how to go on from the stuff you already did in PyFoam?um First problem I see is that you assigned both SolutionDirectories to the same variable: work. So lets assume you assigned them to muscleWork and tissueWork. Then something like
might do the trick (not sure whether the -case option is needed with this utility). The shell commands you can either encapsulate in os.system or emulate with os.unlink
Note: I don't use "Friend"-feature on this forum out of principle. Ah. And by the way: I'm not on Facebook either. So don't be offended if I don't accept your invitation/friend request
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Old   March 2, 2018, 07:01
Shailesh BG
Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: Bangalore
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Hi Bernhard,

Thank you very much for your reply, this is working perfectly.
Alternatively, I am using subprocess to call in the bash functions directly in python.
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merge meshes, pyfoam, python script, snappyhexmesh, stitchmesh

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