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[swak4Foam] funkyDoCalc write fields

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Old   March 24, 2016, 07:44
Default funkyDoCalc write fields
Timm Severin
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Munich
Posts: 63
Rep Power: 12
Astrodan is on a distinguished road
Note: Solved. Turns out funkySetFields actually is the solution to what I want, since this tool only requires a dummy field to be prepared that can then be filled with the desired expression.

For further reference, below the original post.


Hey guys,

I'm currently trying to evaluate my simulation, and would need to do some calculations. As foamCalc is quite incapable of anything, I figured funkyDoCalc was the way to go.

But as far as I understood the source code, it appears that the utility only writes information to STDOUT and a file that is similar to the postProcessing stuff. Am I missing something, or is it simply not possible to write new (internal/boundaryFields) to a time-folder?

I also tried to add the lines
to the funkyDoCalc.C right after it evaluated the expression, but got no result.

I called the tool with funkyDoCalc -latestTime testDict.
My testDict used for the utility, which should be usable with any case that calculates U:
        version     2.0;
        format      ascii;
        class       dictionary;
        location    "system";
        object      controlDict;

    valueType   internalField;
    expression  "mag(U)";
    accumulations (

Last edited by Astrodan; March 24, 2016 at 09:07. Reason: Solution found
Astrodan is offline   Reply With Quote


foamcalc, funkydocalc, swak4foam

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