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[cfMesh] missing feature edges of coplanar patches when using surfaceFeatureEdges (cfMesh)

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Old   August 3, 2015, 10:04
Default missing feature edges of coplanar patches when using surfaceFeatureEdges (cfMesh)
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cutter is on a distinguished road
Hi there,

I'm trying to mesh a geometry (STL surface) that contains coplanar patches that are located within other surrounding patches.

Due to very promising previous meshing results I'm trying to use cartesianMesh (part of cfMesh). I'm therefore using the tool surfaceFeatureEdges to convert the STL file and write the surface along with its feature edges to a *.fms file. This works basically fine, however some of the features are missing. The *.fms file contains the features of the 3d surface only, the features induced by the patch topology are missing. The following meshing process therefore creates some problems at the corners of the inner patches.

Please find the screenshot demonstrating the problem attached.
* brownish mesh: mesh generated by cartesianMesh
* pink lines: feature edges of 3d geometry detected by surfaceFeatureEdges
* blue areas: inner patches with missing patch edges (badly meshed corners highlighted by red arrows)

Can you please provide some hints on how to also extract the edges of the inner patches?!

Many Thanks!
Attached Images
File Type: jpg feature edges.jpg (97.4 KB, 114 views)
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Old   August 20, 2015, 17:47
Default Feature edges at coplanar patches (cfMesh)
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Franjo Juretic
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cfMesh is designed to capture corners attached to three or more feature edges. This is not the case here, and the vertices you wish to be corners are handled as ordinary feature edges.
The problem with the corners can be resolved by creating a grid of feature edges in the geometry, such that there exist at least three feature edges at each corner. For best results, please try to align the additional edges with the edges in the mesh.
I hope this helps you.


Principal Developer of cfMesh and CF-MESH+
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