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[FSI] FSI + Rigid body impact

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Old   May 15, 2017, 05:45
Default FSI + Rigid body impact
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Lucas Ribeiro
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Warlord is on a distinguished road
Hello folks,

I have extended the Fluid-Solid Interaction toolkit[Tuković at al] of foam-extend 3.1 to support nonNewtonian fluids. The implementation is verified and is correct. Now, I would like to simulate an impact using it. A hemispherical impactor would fall impacting on a brick made of elastic material with non-Newtonian fluid confined inside of it.
The impactor is made of steel and is would be modeled basically as a rigid body.
How could I simulate the impact between a rigid body and the already implemented elastic material? Does anyone has a guideline? Or just a starting point?

The concept:

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Old   February 9, 2019, 21:35
Andrew O. Winter
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Hello Lucas,

It's been some time since you posted this so I'm wondering if you made any progress towards your goal? If so, could you give some direction as to how you either used existing OpenFOAM functionality and/or added new code on your own to make things work?

I'm thinking of trying to simulate rigid bodies colliding with one another and in the future moving towards elastic bodies; however, as far as I can tell this sort of functionality is not available at present in OpenFOAM.

Best regards,

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Old   February 11, 2019, 07:22
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Lucas Ribeiro
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Hello Andrew,

It's been some time since you posted this so I'm wondering if you made any progress towards your goal? If so, could you give some direction as to how you either used existing OpenFOAM functionality and/or added new code on your own to make things work?
I am still working on this. I am using a very nice toolbox, called solids4foam, for foam-extend. It has support for solid simulation and very basic support for contact boundary condition. I suggest you to look at for more information about solid simulation using the FVM framework.

I'm thinking of trying to simulate rigid bodies colliding with one another and in the future moving towards elastic bodies; however, as far as I can tell this sort of functionality is not available at present in OpenFOAM.
Makes no sense to simulate rigid bodies colliding with FVM/FEM, since they were created to simulate deforming media. And collision between elastic bodies has not been the focus of FVM researches. Are you sure you want to simulate this using FVM? The FEM framework is very mature, compared with FVM, to simulate such things.

Best regards,
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Old   July 29, 2022, 09:40
Ashish Magar
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Hi Lucas,

Have you made any progress in this regard? Also isn't solids4Foam based on FVM, do you know any open source libs based on FEM to be used for impact simulations?

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fsi, impact, projectile, rigid bodies

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