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15x readme txt file of fixed bugs

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Old   September 22, 2008, 17:44
Default Good afternoon, I was wonde
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Pierre-Olivier Dallaire
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Good afternoon,

I was wondering if it's possible to find a file (somewhere on the git server) which contains all the fixed bugs/changes of the current git version. This way, it would be easy to track the status and see if a fresh download/build is needed.

Best regards,

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Old   September 22, 2008, 18:53
Default Agreed. Once I have tried t
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Hua Zen
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Once I have tried to figure out how to find the changes . I could only find the command "git log",but the log information is quite limited.
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Old   September 23, 2008, 05:53
Default IMO maintaining a separate bug
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Mark Olesen
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IMO maintaining a separate bug/changes list adds extra overhead for the developers and would probably be out-of-sync within a very short time.

While the commit comments themselves might be too modest, the information that you can gather from the git tools is outstanding ... it might just take a bit to figure out how to use git.
If you are just starting, take a look at this talk:

For my OpenFOAM-1.5.x version, I just added the location as a tracked remote 'repo' and have my own 'emcon' local branch.

At any time I can simply 'git-fetch' from the repo to get the most current changes, without affecting my own source tree. At my leisure, I can then use git-merge to merge the changes into my local source tree and git branch.

To see what has changed since my last fetch or merge, I use "git log repo/master ^HEAD" (ie, show everything in repo/master that doesn't have a corresponding commit in HEAD).
To see which changes are purely local, just do the same in reverse: "git log --no-merges HEAD ^repo/master". Of course, it is easiest to just define corresponding aliases in the .git/config file.

If you want more details about what has changed, try using either "git log --stat", "git log -p" or a combination of both. If you want to look at a particular commit, you can use "git show".

I find "qgit" to be a quite nice alternative to using "gitk" for a graphical browsing.
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Old   September 24, 2008, 10:20
Default For my OpenFOAM-1.5.x version,
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For my OpenFOAM-1.5.x version, I just added the location as a tracked remote 'repo' and have my own 'emcon' local branch.

I don't understand this. Your local harddisc has the 'emcon' files. right? And a second repo is online? So why do you need a 'fetch' to update this online repo?
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Old   September 24, 2008, 12:21
Default Hi Basti, From your questio
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Mark Olesen
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Hi Basti,

From your question I take it you might not have worked with git so much. What I mean is that I maintain my own local branch and simply track the current HEAD (in this case 'master') branch from the repository online (I called this remote 'repo' instead of the default 'origin'). Using git-fetch, I can grab the current updates from and then use git-merge to merge them into my local branch and into my local working copy. I find that this works much better than working on a local copy of the master branch, but that might just be personal preference.

In the attached screenshot, you can see that the online branch 'repo/master' is currently ahead of my local branch 'emcon'. When I get time, I'll merge in the 'repo/master' and recompile ... or maybe wait for a few more bug fixes to accumulate before I feel like doing anything about it. After merging with repo/master, any further git-fetch/git-merge combinations just fast-forwards my git repository and working directory without resulting in a merge commit.

Using this method, I can simply continue with my own slightly modified version, while remaining synchronized with the online version and documenting my personal changes.

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Old   October 2, 2008, 09:50
Default Thanks Mark - I have downloade
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Pierre-Olivier Dallaire
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Thanks Mark - I have downloaded qgit and will try it.

Best regards,

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