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bug : topoSet STOP RESPONDING while trying to make cellzones near to a surface.

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Old   March 1, 2021, 12:49
Red face bug : topoSet STOP RESPONDING while trying to make cellzones near to a surface.
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Join Date: Mar 2017
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sk11 is on a distinguished road
Hello FOAMers,

I have a strange problem trying to make cellZone with cells near to a surface using topoSet. The topoSet stop responding after the stage "adding cells in relation to the surface". This Happens only when the surface STL is at some particular random angles of attack ( for example, no problems at 25º and 35º but get stuck when the surface is at 30º)

I have a frame and a net in my domain. And I need to add the cells near to the net to a cellZone using topoSet.

Here is the image of the net and frame


Here is the log file of topoSet :


This is a sample case where I get the error.

I tried running topoSet in both parallel and single core still the problem persists. a slight change in the orientation of the surface and topoSet works like charm. But my problem needs a consistent working of topoSet. It also works without any errors when I don't mesh the frame which is close to the surface

Does anyone faced similar issues or knows what I might be doing wrong here?
Thank you so much for your time
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openfoam8, preprocessing, toposet

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