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cyclicGgi + Finite Area Method fails to run in parallel (foam-extend 4.1). Bug?)

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Old   June 12, 2018, 10:32
Default cyclicGgi + Finite Area Method fails to run in parallel (foam-extend 4.1). Bug?)
Senior Member
Santiago Lopez Castano
Join Date: Nov 2012
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Dear all,

So I have implemented a solver that is somewhat similar in structure to interTrackFoam, but for a whole different purpose. Anyway, when running some of my test cases, I stumbled upon some problems trying to run the case where I have a direction of periodicity in parallel. The strange thing is that the case runs quite well in serial, using cyclicGgi, but on the moment I switch to parallel, foam throws an exception from subroutine Foam::treeBoundBox (???). However, I have prepared an example case that reproduces exactly the same error, using interTrackFoam. Note that the code runs quite well in serial.

Finally, I'd like to say that I have some experience programming in the upper abstractions of foam-extend, so it will be very valuable if someone can throw me towards the correct direction in order to deal with this issue if there's any. I apologize in advance if it is just a mistake in the setup.

Many thanks,

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Last edited by Santiago; June 12, 2018 at 10:34. Reason: grammar
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cyclicggi, finite area method, intertrackfoam

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