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OF-2.3.x: interPhaseChange(DyM)Foam: simulation restart leads to non-physical fields

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Old   August 12, 2015, 10:16
Default OF-2.3.x: interPhaseChange(DyM)Foam: simulation restart leads to non-physical fields
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 54
Rep Power: 15
A_Pete is on a distinguished road
Hey there,

having an issue with interPhaseChangeFoam and interPhaseChangeDyMFoam. I'm trying to restart a simulation of a cavitating propeller, which is rotating using a cylinder as an AMI interface between an inner rotating and an outer stationary region. If we have a look at the initial pressure field it looks alright. After the first time step of the restarted simulation though, the field looks very crappy and the minimum and maximum values are some orders of magnitude higher than they were initially.

I read about the correctPhi bug, which was present in of-2.2.x. Thinking that this error may still occur, I deleted the correctPhi.H line from the interPhaseChangeDyMFoam solver to check if this effects the calculations in the first time step after restart. This didn't have any effect on the simulation, though.

Since our time step was already pretty small, we tried to run the simulation for a few time steps without propeller rotation using the standard interPhaseChangeFoam solver without mesh motion. But the results were as bad as they were with the mesh motion.

We also made sure that the PIMPLE algorithm is converged to some order regarding the p and U field, which didn't really show a difference either.

We tested both solvers for cases of cavitating hydrofoils without mesh motion, where the restart worked fine and no huge differences could be
found in the fields after one time step.

Edit: We tested this with OF-2.4.x as well and were getting the same error.

Does anyone have any idea what happened or how this can be solved? Thanks in advance!

Last edited by A_Pete; August 12, 2015 at 11:28. Reason: Tested with OF-2.4.x as well.
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