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[Salome] Meshing Methodology in Salome for FSI

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Old   July 14, 2023, 10:37
Lightbulb [Salome] Meshing Methodology in Salome for FSI
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Join Date: Jun 2020
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Dear CFD community,

As part of my research, I am interested in applying fluid-structure interaction methodologies, specifically using the TurtleFSI solver, which is a monolithic FSI solver written in FEniCS. ( This solver requires a single mesh file that describes the subdomains for both the fluid and solid components.

I would like to adopt the meshing methodology presented in the following tutorial: However, I would like to describe the fluid domain and vessel wall within a single mesh file, with tetrahedral elements for the fluid and solid. I have a couple of questions regarding the meshing process in Salome, particularly for complex geometries described by STL files without a clear definition of boundary surfaces (inlets, outlets, walls):

  1. When working with complex geometries represented by STL files, I am wondering if there is a convenient way in Salome to define patches, inlet/outlet surfaces, and walls. Since the STL file only provides facet information, I recall that in ICEM, one could segment surface zones based on angles. Is there a similar approach in Salome that someone could recommend?
  2. Additionally, I am curious to know how one would go about creating a vessel wall around a complex geometry using Salome.
    To your knowledge, is there a specific workflow or tool within Salome (or other software) that allows for the creation of a conformal vessel wall mesh, with additionally a definition of the outer-wall surface and side-wall surfaces?
    I found out about the "Modification-Extrusion-Extrusion by normal" tool, but this does not create a boundary surface for the sides of the vessel-wall.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read and respond to my email. If you have any other suggestions for open-source tools to accomplish conformal meshing of a fluid/solid domain in complex geometries (defined in an STL file), please let me know.
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