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Which mesh generation software should I choose?

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Old   April 6, 2023, 23:38
Default Which mesh generation software should I choose?
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lbj007 is on a distinguished road
Hello colleagues,

I want to automate the simulation modeling of the following geometry model (an SOFC stack model, where I only show one layer). Currently, I have achieved the automation of geometry creation using SCDM, but I am facing problems with mesh generation. I want to control the number of edge meshes for each component in the xyz direction, such as the distances indicated by the red short lines in the figure.

The mesh generation function provided by SCDM seems incomplete because I cannot select the BlockEdge that I want based on its spatial location. It defaults to selecting BlockEdge with a random ID format, such as BlockEdges[1]. This selection may change when I rerun the script, so I cannot select the desired BlockEdge for the next step of mesh control. Moreover, SCDM does not seem to support mesh editing, such as copying, translating, stretching, etc.

ICEM does support the functions I want, but its tcl script has poor readability. Please forgive me as I am a programming novice and cannot understand many parts of it. Moreover, it also assigns IDs to selected objects in the form of 126 127, for example. ("ic_hex_set_mesh 126 127 n 16"). In contrast, the SCDM scripts are based on Python, which makes them much easier to read. Therefore, I feel disappointed that I cannot use SCDM to achieve the automated meshing that I desire. However, it is possible that there are some techniques that I am not aware of. I hope that someone with more knowledge can enlighten me on this matter.

I have also tried Fluent Meshing, but I feel that it does not provide as intuitive control over edge sizing as ICEM does. Based on my requirements for automated implementation and the readability of its scripting language, which meshing software would you recommend? As you can see, this geometry model is composed entirely of rectangular prisms, so meshing it alone is not difficult. However, in terms of automation and control over meshing details, I really need to step out of my comfort zone and seek your advice. I attached my geometry file in case anyone needs to analyze:

Thank you for your help in advance.
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Old   May 23, 2023, 10:53
Default Which mesh generation software should I choose?
New Member
Richard Blair, P.Eng
Join Date: May 2023
Posts: 1
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Virtura3D is on a distinguished road
I am not sure if you are looking for another software solution or whether you wish to stick with the solutions you already have and find a process that works.

If another solution is of interest, my company is a Reseller of a CFD software solution that has excellent automatic meshing capabilities and handles sharp edges very effectively. The mesher is also very fast and accurate. A search on my user name should take to our website where you will find more information.
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fluent meshing, icem, mesh scripting, scdm

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