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How to create a 3Ds Car Model importing to FLUENT?

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Old   January 9, 2012, 23:32
Default How to create a 3Ds Car Model importing to FLUENT?
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spysunny is on a distinguished road
I have a project assignment: Exterior Design of Solar Car Using CFD Modeling

For my methods, firstly I started creating a 3Ds car and set up a box (to let fluid flow over the box) as boundary conditions in GAMBIT. Secondly, I meshed the model and exported to FLUENT. Thirdly, I simulated to gain some Fluid Dynamics data such as Cd (drag coefficient) in FLUENT. Finally, I checked a desired varible (Cd) and improved the model in GAMBIT if it didn't meet a Fluid Dynamics requirement : Cd < 0.25-0.3 for city car.

My problem is it's very difficult to edit many curves on the model in GAMBIT. It has to be edited because Cd has not met my requirement yet. So I need to look for some programs to be applicable with my model.

Are there any idea how to create a model in 3ds max. But so far I've tried to do this in 3ds max but it doesn't work. There are some errors while importing a file and incomplete meshing.

I heard that most people use CATIA as a design program to create the car.

I have something to ask at the following questions:
1. Is it difficult if I plan to start using CATIA? I've never used this program
2. Are there any resources or items to learn how to use CATIA as a beginner?
3. If anyone has a 3Ds car model (STEP file .stp or whatever), would you please sending me a completed model to give me an idea via my e-mail address: panupong, ?

Please help me if you have any idea. Thank you for your help !!!
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Old   January 11, 2012, 00:40
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Join Date: Aug 2009
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takin is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by spysunny View Post
I have a project assignment: Exterior Design of Solar Car Using CFD Modeling

For my methods, firstly I started creating a 3Ds car and set up a box (to let fluid flow over the box) as boundary conditions in GAMBIT. Secondly, I meshed the model and exported to FLUENT. Thirdly, I simulated to gain some Fluid Dynamics data such as Cd (drag coefficient) in FLUENT. Finally, I checked a desired varible (Cd) and improved the model in GAMBIT if it didn't meet a Fluid Dynamics requirement : Cd < 0.25-0.3 for city car.

My problem is it's very difficult to edit many curves on the model in GAMBIT. It has to be edited because Cd has not met my requirement yet. So I need to look for some programs to be applicable with my model.

Are there any idea how to create a model in 3ds max. But so far I've tried to do this in 3ds max but it doesn't work. There are some errors while importing a file and incomplete meshing.

I heard that most people use CATIA as a design program to create the car.

I have something to ask at the following questions:
1. Is it difficult if I plan to start using CATIA? I've never used this program
2. Are there any resources or items to learn how to use CATIA as a beginner?
3. If anyone has a 3Ds car model (STEP file .stp or whatever), would you please sending me a completed model to give me an idea via my e-mail address: panupong, ?

Please help me if you have any idea. Thank you for your help !!!
Why don't you use SolidWork software to do that? it is a wellknown CAD software and has a good compatibility with gambit. I have created some complicated geometries in SOLID and have used them in GAMBIT.
Also, I think you can create your geometry directly in gambit. now, I am working on the pollution dispersion in traffic tunnel and I want to create some models of cars in gMBIT. I think modeling a car geometry in gambit is not harder than starting CATIA from the first step.
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car aerodynamics, catia v5, cfd model, drag coefficient, gambit and fluent

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