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Flotherm Simulation on IC devices

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Old   July 20, 2005, 04:41
Default Flotherm Simulation on IC devices
Klaus Ong
Posts: n/a
Hi... People use a lot of IC devices in electronics products'design. Of course the thermal managemnt such as heat sink attached with fan is needed to cool the IC devices, and this thermal solution can be designed by using Flotherm simulation software. However, most of the IC devices's manufacturers do not want to give the details of the internal contruction(dimensions) of the IC devices such as TO220 etc, with the reason is this information is proprietary. And we all know that Flopack can be used to create IC devices based on the outline of the IC devices ONLY and then the model can be used to perform the simulation, however, we still do not know the internal contruction of the IC devices(TO220) as most of the time we just estimate the dimensions only such as the die, die flag, lead, etc. Is there any method to get the actual dimensions for the internal construction of TO220 package? Or how to do the simulation in Flotherm if I do not have the information of the internal construction of the IC devices? Or anyone has the Delphi compact model for TO220? Thanks

regards, klaus
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