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CGNS vs Tecplot Data Format

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Old   June 30, 2011, 15:54
Question CGNS vs Tecplot Data Format
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L.Bryce Whitson Jr.
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I need to write a software tool to import a CFD results file, generate path-lines of data throughout the data set, and then export the data to a new set of data files. This is so the data can be used in the RADCAL, narrow-band radiation model.

I am currently doing my CFD calculations using FLUENT which can output to many different formats, but I am considering the use of either CGNS or Tecplot ASCII. I feel like with either data set I am going to have a lot to learn about reading the data into my own FORTRAN program for post processing, but I thought that someone here might have a suggestion on which to use.

The final data format I need will look something like this:

Path_Length, Temperature, <Species Mole Fractions>

The path length is calculated as the straight-line distance from one point to the other. In general we do this on a single plane. I know that I will end up having to interpolate data to each of the sample point locations that I want to use.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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Old   July 1, 2011, 04:25
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I'm also interested to know the advantages and disadvantages of these 2 formats. But I think it should be a comparison between CGNS and Tecplot binary, instead of ASCII.

I wonder if there is some real advantages if I'm only using tecplot for visualization
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Old   July 1, 2011, 04:52
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Raashid Baig
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Originally Posted by LWhitson2 View Post
I need to write a software tool to import a CFD results file, generate path-lines of data throughout the data set, and then export the data to a new set of data files. This is so the data can be used in the RADCAL, narrow-band radiation model.

I am currently doing my CFD calculations using FLUENT which can output to many different formats, but I am considering the use of either CGNS or Tecplot ASCII. I feel like with either data set I am going to have a lot to learn about reading the data into my own FORTRAN program for post processing, but I thought that someone here might have a suggestion on which to use.

The final data format I need will look something like this:

Path_Length, Temperature, <Species Mole Fractions>

The path length is calculated as the straight-line distance from one point to the other. In general we do this on a single plane. I know that I will end up having to interpolate data to each of the sample point locations that I want to use.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.
I suggest you should look at

Much of what you intend to do might be available through Paraview and VTK.
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Old   July 1, 2011, 14:50
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Scott Rumage
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We do a good job of documenting our data format here:

One can also use our TecIO library to create a binary Tecplot format here:

One can also use a separate application called "Preplot" to turn a Tecplot ASCII file to Tecplot binary (found on the TecIO page as well).

I am not qualified to comment on whether the Tecplot or the CGNS format is better suited for the application.

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cgns, fluent, radcal, tecplot

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