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windows operating system

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Old   November 13, 2004, 17:40
Default windows operating system
Posts: n/a
Hi All,

Am new to the world of windows operating system. It looks like if I've to move my programming skills from the UNIX system to the windows. I'll appreciate any help, suggestion and guide how use the following on my new PC.



3)Fortran 90

4)Any software will useful for a scientist working on computational multiphase flows

These are the main things am concerned with at the moment. do you think it'll be easy to use it or install it to start my programming staff. I did search on the net but too confused and don't know what to do.

Any ideas will be very much appreciated.

Many thanks,

mphase flow scientist.
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Old   November 13, 2004, 21:15
Default Re: windows operating system
Posts: n/a
it seems you need cygwin ( ...why domp you download the newest version of it .... will be great help ....
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Old   November 15, 2004, 08:00
Default Re: windows operating system
Posts: n/a
I don't know what xemacs means. For Latex you can download WinEdt and MikTex for free from Internet. For Fortran 90 you can use Microsoft Fortran Power Station. For computational mutiphase flows you can use FLUENT.

Sincerely, Saad
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Old   November 15, 2004, 10:29
Default Re: windows operating system
Posts: n/a

take a look on these pages:

or try gvim with vim-latex ...

Best Greetings! Fabian
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Old   November 15, 2004, 19:29
Default Re: windows operating system
Posts: n/a
That is great I really appreciate it, just need sometime get it done am sure I'll do it!

Can you suggest something for fortran 90, i.e. where can I get f90 compiler I did search in the net but couldn't find any. In fact I was confused after the search as I couldn't find or understand how to have f90 compiler in a PC or Linux.

So what is your recommendation then?
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Old   November 15, 2004, 19:41
Default Re: windows operating system
Posts: n/a
Am a computational applied mathematician i.e. I develop my own code with a strong mathematical and numerical background for multiphase flow and for CFD of multiphase flows. I don't like to work with those commercial packages am not saying there bad or good or wrong but personally I don't believe in working within a black box. Fluent and others are not useful for my world as they are NOT the art of science. May be they are good for engineers who don't want to be involved with the beauty of mathematics of multiphase flow problems.

The future not those commercial packages, the future is understanding and enjoying the beauty of mathematics within multiphase flows, trust me!
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Old   November 16, 2004, 05:35
Default Re: windows operating system
Posts: n/a
I can tell you what we use for building Windoze versions of our CFD softwares:

MSVC++ & Digital Visual Fortran

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Old   November 16, 2004, 11:29
Default Re: windows operating system
Posts: n/a
It is not clear from your question and responses (mentioning Linux) if your restriction is a Microsoft operating system or an Intel PC.

If you install FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD on your PC you will have a BSD version of unix (like on a Sun before Solaris and a Mac today). This will give you all your requirements except f90 and for zero financial cost. You will have f77 though. If you dig you might find a commercially available f90 compiler.

If you install Linux (a unix clone with lots of minor irritating differences) you will have all your requirements including f90 if you are not developing commercial code. Intel provide a freely available f90 compiler for this platform.

If you are using a Microsoft operating system then AT&T (original creators of unix) have a unix under windows system called uwin:

which should enable you to continue working in your familiar environment.

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Old   November 19, 2004, 04:30
Default Re: windows operating system
Christoph Streicher
Posts: n/a
Hello scientist,

you developed your own system for multiphase flows and you don't trust commercial products. For a study I will show among other things, what CFD can do and how it works. How do you work? You say strong mathematical, so i think you don't use models for the fluid, like Bingham,... . How do you take the attributes of the fluid into consideration? Do you define the single forces between the particle? If it is so, which forces do you define, and how do think to get the values of this forces? How do you respect the differences of the particle size in the fluid? Is for each particle a seperate calculation necessary or do you work with probability distributions? Is there a homepage, where you describe your work? I know, that this are very much questions, but I'm interested, what the difference between a "mathematical and a commercial program" is.

Best Regards

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